Student associations

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Vie associative

Nearly 1,000 student associations

Students at the University have a wide choice of ways to get involved and develop their potential in associations or in their school’s Student Office (BDE), where they can share experiences of creativity and solidarity.


The Student Life Department and the Student Federation of the Université Catholique de Lille are committed to bringing the campus to life for and with students. Hundreds of events are organised throughout the academic year.



The Fédé (Student Federation of the Université Catholique de Lille) represents all the students of the University. It brings together the various BDEs of the University’s Schools and Corporations around shared values, federative and humanitarian projects, and represents its members in dealings with the University administration, the All, the town hall, the CROUS, the FAGE, etc.


Find out more about the Fédé

Student aid associations

Agoraé, student grocery shop

The Agoraé offers food, hygiene and stationery products at very low prices to students in need (subject to application), as well as a "Too Good to go" point. A place to live and relax open to all students, the Agoraé also offers a listening and guidance service, as well as cultural events and offers (cookery workshops, dance, budget management, prevention, etc.).
More information

Campus Market

Campus Market is an association offering a system for collecting and reselling the furniture of students leaving Lille.
More information

Support for student initiatives

Commitment Awards

The aim of this competition is to reward student associations from the higher education institutions of the Université Catholique de Lille that are involved in a solidarity, civic or ecological project or any other area that has a positive impact on society (project for the 23-24 academic year, completed or in progress).

The Trophées de l’engagement, supported by the Fondation de la Catho, offer a total of €10,000 in prize money.


For further information, please contact Isabelle Delobelle, Project Development Officer / Student Life:

Tel.: 03 20 13 40 31

Trophées de l'engagement 2024

Day-to-day personalised support

All, all student life services

Located at the heart of the Université Catholique de Lille campus, the All supports students in their daily lives through five centres dedicated to student life: catering, accommodation, health, and solidarity.


Find out more

Nightline Lille

Nightline is a night-time listening service for and by students in Lille, by telephone and online chat.


Find out more

Nightline Lille

Student Life Home :
03 20 13 40 31
60 boulevard Vauban – 59040 Lille Cedex