Area Studies : South Asia

Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Français, Anglais
Ce cours apparaît dans les formation(s) suivante(s)



The course is in English so a good level in this language is required.


Discover South Asia and research various less known aspects regarding the history, geopolitics, demography and ethnic diversity of a region whose weight in global politics and economics is ever growing.


This course aims at introducing students to South Asia through the study of several key aspects that characterise this unique and specific area.

Comprising several countries, the region is one of the most populous of that huge continent and, to a larger extent, of the world. It is also one of the most densely populated area in Asia.

It boasts a rich and varied history made of numerous merging populations and ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversity.

But South Asia is also a strategic region at the crossroads of the Indian Ocean, the Middle-East, China, Africa and Asia-Pacific.

In order to give students a global picture of this complex part of the world our lectures will focus on the history of the region as past and present are still very closely intertwined in South Asia.

However, we shall also focus on the current situation and question the region's integration in Globalisation.

Consequently, we will tackle issues such as South Asia's tribal, religious, ethnic, linguistic and cultural diversity. Additionally, we shall discuss its demography, economic disparities, social issues and inequalities and address the question of migrations, diasporas and the softpower of some of the most prominent countries in the region.

Eventually, we will probe into conflicts and border issues as well as the question of resources and the major ecological challenges affecting this vast and diverse area of the Asian continent.


Modalités d'enseignement

Teacher lectures and students presentations

Contrôle continu : coeff. 100
