Communication interculturelle (anglais)

Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Français, Anglais
Ce cours apparaît dans les formation(s) suivante(s)
Bernd Gibson



Discuter de la nature et le rôle de la culture
Identifier et expliquer les principaux éléments de la culture
Décrire l'influence de la culture sur le comportement général
Identifier l'importance des différences culturelles sur le comportement général
Commencer à développer la sensibilité interculturelle


Semester 1:

Defining culture:

Definitions, concepts, elements and images of culture.
Distinguishing between objective and subjective culture.
Exploring stereotypes, preconceptions and generalisation.
Recognising the cultural differences that make a difference.

Values: The foundation of culture:

Understanding the importance of values
One’s own and others’ values
How values define cultural assumptions

Research into culture, Part I:

Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck: cultural orientations

The Challenges of Intercultural Communication:

The “stumbling blocks” to intercultural communication.
Recognising the elements of non-verbal communication.
Exploring non-verbal communication.
Exploration of culture shock.

Semester 2:

Research into culture, Part II:

A study of cultural “dimensions”
The research work of Geert Hofstede & Fons Trompenaars.
Edward T. Hall’s model of: space, time and context.

Communication styles.

Recognising different communication styles in the context of cultural orientations and dimensions.

Putting it all into context:

The impact of culture in an intercultural context: the realities, challenges and benefits of interacting across cultures





Hofstede, Geert., <i>Cultures and Organizations. Software of the Mind</i>|| Trompenaars, Fons., <i>Riding the Waves of Culture</i>|| Hall, Edward T., <i>Understanding Cultural Differences</i>|| Marx, Elisabeth<i>, Breaking Through Culture Shock</i>|| Storti, Craig, <i>The Art of Crossing Cultures</i>|| Jean-Benoit Nadeau &amp; Julie Barlow<i> Sixty, Million Frenchmen Can’t be Wrong</i>||