Corporate Social Responsability

Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Français, Anglais
Ce cours apparaît dans les formation(s) suivante(s)




Students will be able to:

  • Identify problems facing companies under the umbrella of social responsibility;

  • Forecast the positive and negative impact of policies and actions in a manner that reduces corporate risk;

  • Demonstrate the value of CSR in order to better inform decision-making.

  • Understand the critical elements of a CSR initiative

  • Audit an existing CSR initiative



Part I: Background and core issues

1 Sustainable Cities

2 Sustainable Cities

2 Sustainable Cities

4 Introduction to CSR

Defining CSR, understanding its relation to sustainability

History and evolution of CSR

Main CSR Institutions

The UN’s and EU’s treatment of CSR

Reporting standards: ISO 26000, Global Compact, GRI

5 CSR and stakeholders

Stakeholder Mapping: relevant stakeholders and their expectations

Shareholder capitalism vs. stakeholder capitalism, the triple bottom line

Sustainability: main concepts and issues

Differences between CSR and CSV

Greening the value chain, Greenwashing, Life cycle thinking

Group presentation 2

6 Strategic Sustainable Development and Corporate social responsibility

The sustainability challenge for business

Multinational corporations: main challenges

The purpose of a company, The polluter’s dilemma

Conceptual frameworks to enhance understanding about the impacts of policies

Group presentation 4


Modalités d'enseignement


Students are encouraged to become familiar with CSR through their own reading and research. They will fully prepare in advance for the classes, thereby maximising classroom time. Active student involvement of the learning of the themes studied is expected. Common features of the classes will include:

  • Reading of assigned articles
  • Discussions/debates
  • Short presentations
  • Review of case studies
  • Research on internet to further knowledge of the topics


Students who miss a class are responsible for catching up with all work done during their absence. It is their responsibility to turn in their copy of missed assignments and/or take missed tests on the day of their return to class.


Continuous assessment: 30% -- In groups of 4’s, students will present either a business case for CSR in a company of their choosing or their research and conclusions on an agreed topic.

Review test (2h): 70% -- This will include questions on course content and case studies.

