Economic crisis & political conflict in the EU

Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Français, Anglais
Ce cours apparaît dans les formation(s) suivante(s)
Michael HOLMES



This course will allow you to develop:

1. Understanding of the impact of various recent crises on EU politics

2. Awareness of the interplay between economics, social policies and politics at EU level

3. Knowledge of recent developments across the main European party families

4. Ability to interpret these events from various conceptual standpoints


"Economic crisis and political conflict in the EU" examines the political consequences of the multiple crisis that the EU has faced over the past decade-and-a-bit: the global financial crisis and the attendant eurozone crisis, the foreign policy challenges in the EU's near neighbourhood, the migration crisis, the Brexit crisis, and now perhaps we need to add in the covid crisis.

It is, therefore, an ongoing work that develops year-by-year. It is less focused on political economy than when I first began teaching it a few years ago. But there are some persistent political themes throughout this time, in particular relating to Euroscepticism as a phenomenon and its impact on the politics of European integration, and these form the heart of the course.


Modalités d'enseignement

The course is assessed by an essay

Contrôle continu : coeff. 100



Key texts|| Dinan, Nugent & Paterson (2017) The European Union in crisis|| Webber (2019) European disintegration? The politics of crisis in the European Union|| Grimmel (2017) The crisis of the European Union: challenges, analyses, solutions|| Hutter & Kriesi (2019) European party politics in times of crisis