Financial communication

Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Français, Anglais
Ce cours apparaît dans les formation(s) suivante(s)



The aim of the course is to facilitate and stimulate an effective English communication skills of the students on all the main aspects regarding the financial reporting. At the end of the course, the students will be able to :

  • Read and understand the financial aspects of a company

  • Discuss and comments them with colleagues and practitioners

  • Describe how the rules of corporate financial reporting affect the application of standards

  • Identify and evaluate financial statements

  • Comprehend the theory and practices of corporate financial reporting

  • Use financial reporting theory and practices to analyse the performance of a company


Topics covered :

  • Introduction to Financial Reporting : financial reporting as the provision of decision-useful information to users – who users are, what needs do they have, and how is the financial information used.

  • Qualitative characteristics of financial information

  • Financial accounting as the preparation of the financial reports

  • Underlying concepts – business entity, historic cost, accruals, and prudence

  • Accounting systems, including double-entry bookkeeping and the trial balance

  • Accounting for accruals and prepayments, depreciation and bad and doubtful debts

  • Preparation of the main financial statements – the statement of financial position, the income statement and, for companies, the statement of changes in equity – from the trial balance, including consideration of accruals and prepayments, depreciation and bad debts / doubtful debts

  • The IASB – its development, authority and accountability

  • The alternative methods of presenting the income statement – reporting expense by nature or by function

Basis for the course :

Jennifer Maynard, Financial accounting, reporting and Analysis (2nd Ed), Oxford University Press

  • Chapter 1 : Financial reporting and accounting

  • Chapter 2 : The financial reporting system

  • Chapter 4 : Published financial statements of companies (125)

  • Chapter 5 : Interpretation of financial statements


Modalités d'enseignement

The methodology for the course is based not only on the theory sessions, but in paralell in various activities such as :

  • Exercices
  • Classroon presentations
  • Teamwork
  • Oral participation

Organisation du cours

  • Cours : 20h

Evaluation : Contrôle continu : Coeff 3 – 2 contrôles continus

Méthodes pédagogiques

The main method used will be the affirmative method: the lecturer presenting the material and showing the processes as the first step, then the principles will be applied by the students (through exercices, discussions, ….) and the students will formulate the results in English.

Sometimes the interrogative method will be applied in order to guide the students through the subjects, depending upon the subject.

Contrôle continu : coeff. 1
