Format Logic

Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Français, Anglais
Ce cours apparaît dans les formation(s) suivante(s)



This course requires no prior knowledge of logic.


This course is a concise presentation of modern formal logic. At the end of the course, students will have a solid knowledge of propositional logic. They will be able to carry out simple proofs using the method of natural deduction. Students will also have acquired key notions of contemporary logic such as the notion of formal validity, predicate, quantifiers, logical connectors, consistency, tautology, and contradiction.


Chapters I - VII (Volume I) of Paul Teller's book: "A Modern Formal Logic Primer".

Logic as the science of argument. Sentences and connectives. Truth functions. Compounding compound sentences. Rules of formation and rules of valuation. Transcription versus translation. Adequacy of transcriptions. Logical equivalence. Substitution of logical equivalents and some more laws. Logical truth and contradictions. Disjunctive normal form and the Sheffer Stroke. Validity. Invalidity and counterexamples. Soundness. The conditional. The biconditional. The idea of natural deduction. Subderivations. The complete rules of inference. Constructing correct derivations. Recognizing the main connective. Derivations: overview, definitions, and points to watch out for. Derived rules. Argument by cases. Further derived rules. Derivations without premises.


Modalités d'enseignement

The lessons are taught strictly according to the syllabus of the subject (which also coincides section by section with the textbook offered for the follow-up of the course). It is important to point out to the students that the lessons are fundamental but not sufficient to pass the final exam; it is also necessary to do the exercises offered by the teacher and to read the chapters of the textbook. Only with this triptych - lectures, exercises, textbook - can an optimum result be obtained in the final examination.

Credits for this course will be awarded through a final examination (70% of the grade) and some exercises conducted during the course as "contrôle continu" (30% of the grade).

Contrôle continu : coeff. 100



The course will closely follow Paul Teller's book <b><i>"A Modern Formal Logic Primer". </i></b>This book can be downloaded free of charge from the author’s website: <a></a>|| Students are advised to obtain the book as soon as possible. The teacher will indicate in due course which of the exercises of the book are relevant to the course.|| I refer you to the course's syllabus, which will tell you which chapters of the book to download. Note furthermore that the book also includes a chapter with all the solutions of the exercises.|| Other bibliographical references will be provided in the course by the teacher. But their reading is optional. Only Paul Teller's book is compulsory reading.||||