Human Rights Litigation

Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Français, Anglais
Daria Sartori




  • To provide information on international human rights sources, systems, standards and relevant issues.

  • To encourage the development of practical skills for the future professionals.

  • To sensitize participants to their particular role in protecting and promoting human rights and their own potential for affecting human rights in their future professional duties.

  • To understand the human rights principles, institutions, processes and practices, issues and methods.

Course specific:

  • Familiarise with European and international human rights standards and protection mechanisms

  • Obtain a comparative perspective on international human rights instruments

  • Understand the interplay between the various international and regional instruments and their concrete use for the purpose of human rights litigation

  • Acquire skills of human rights litigation at European level

  • Know where to search for more in-depth information and use the resources provided.


Module 1 – Litigating human rights cases at international level – introduction to the ECHR protection system

Module 2 – Litigating human rights cases at international level – introduction to the EU and UN protection systems

Module 3 - Litigating human rights cases at international level – ECHR litigation in practice


Module 1 (12h)

Litigating human rights cases at international level – introduction to the ECHR protection system

Session 1 (23 February): The Council of Europe and the ECHR

- Introduction to the CoE: mandate, institutions and activities; subject matter and implementation mechanisms of the main CoE treaties and their monitoring bodies.

- Introduction to the ECHR system – role, structure and functioning of the ECtHR; procedure before the ECtHR.

- Introduction to the protected rights [part I]: Relative rights (8-11) – scope, positive obligations, interplay with other rights, key case-law.

- Preparation to GC hearing

Session 2 (6 March): The rights protected by the ECHR (part I)

- Attendance ECtHR Grand Chamber hearing in case Collector B.V. and Others v. the Netherlands

- Follow-up discussion on the case and on relative rights (8-11)

- Q&A questions with Registry lawyer

Session 3 (13 March): The rights protected by the ECHR (part II)

- Introduction to the protected rights [part II]: Absolute rights (3, 4) , procedural rights (5, 6), ancillary rights (13, 14) – scope, interplay, key case-law.

- Case studies and practical exercise

Module 2 (4h)

Litigating human rights cases at international level – introduction to the EU and UN protection systems

Session 1 (22 March): Human rights litigation in the EU and before UN bodies

- Comparative perspective of different international mechanisms (EU, CoE, UN)

- Overview of the UN protection system (role, subject matter, mechanisms of implementation of selected UN treaties and correspondent bodies)

- The EU framework: the Fundamental Rights Charter; raising a complaint under the Charter before national courts and the CJEU

Module 3 (8h) : Litigating human rights cases at international level – ECHR litigation in practice

Session 1 (27 March): Lodging a complaint before the ECtHR

- Practical aspects of lodging a complaint: rules on procedure, admissibility criteria

- Practical aspects of effective implementation measures at national level

- Exercise: how to lodge an interim measure request and an individual application at the ECtHR

Session 2 (29 March): Moot court

- Moot court exercise (joint examination of fictional case; group work on pro and contra arguments on admissibility and merits; final oral exposition and vote)


Modalités d'enseignement

24h of interactiv lectures.


  • Engagement throughout the course.
  • Assessment of practical activities.
  • Case-studies and group exercises.
  • Topical discussions and debates.
Examen : coeff. 1


Ressources Internet

Course materials

Module 1 Mandatory:

HELP online course on Introduction to the ECHR and the ECtHR:

Chamber Judgment Ships Waste Oil Collector B.V. and Others v. the Netherlands


Factsheet “Environment and the European Convention on Human Rights”

ECHR Guide on Article 8 of the Convention :

Module 2 Mandatory:

Pagg. 1-45 of “Applying the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in law and policymaking at national level”, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2018:


HELP online course Introduction to Human Rights Protection in Europe - Interplay between the ECHR and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights:

Module 3 Mandatory:

Pagg 1-21 of “The European Court of Human Rights: Questions & Answers for Lawyers, Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe, 2023”:

HELP online course on Admissibility Criteria in Applications to the ECtHR :


ECHR Guide on Admissibility Criteria

Rules of Court