International Arbitration

Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Français, Anglais
Ce cours apparaît dans les formation(s) suivante(s)



Preliminary skills include the ability to read and legally analyze court decisions and arbitral awards; Sufficient speaking skills to present legal opinions in class.


My aim is to provide the students attending my course with a solid overview and introduction to the fundamental features of international commercial arbitration.

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

Understand the key differences between arbitration as compared to other forms of alternative dispute resolution; explain the advantages and disadvantages of arbitration; comprehend the legal framework of arbitration and interaction of the various rules and laws to the procedure; describe the key elements of an arbitration agreement; define the nomination process of an arbitrator; describe the arbitral procedure and various steps of evidentiary proceeding; explain the rules for selecting the law applicable to the merits of a dispute; explain the consequences once an award has been rendered by an arbitral tribunal including potential set-aside and enforcement proceedings at the state court level.


The course will be primary conducted through the lecture of the subject matter followed by a presentation of cases covering the issues relevant for the specific topic. There will be some reading assignments during the duration of the course, and I will expect student participation when going through the lecture material.

Unit 1: Introduction and Basic Principles

Unit 2: The arbitration Agreement and Jurisdiction

Unit 3: The Arbitral Tribunal

Unit 4: The Arbitral Procedure

Unit 5: The Hearing in Practice

Unit 6: The Applicable law

Unit 7: Tha Arbitral Award/Setting-Aside/Enforcement


Modalités d'enseignement

Effective presence :24h

self learning ( research, readings..)

Examen : coeff. 1
