Leadership & Organizational behaviour

Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Français, Anglais
Ce cours apparaît dans les formation(s) suivante(s)



The Management of complex organizations requires an understanding of the nature of Human Behavior in any business environment, styles of motivations, company leadership, power and authority, strategies of organizational design and change, teamwork and collaboration, and the measurement of organizational effectiveness.


OVERALL OBJECTIVES: interpersonal relationships are key in any group, of human or animal. A manager, a Director, a salesrep, is a human before anything. Building strong human relationship is mandatory before any customer/supplier, manager/employee or, at least, man/woman relationship takes place. Illustration of that point is to be clear at the first course. And might be considered as the « fil rouge »

In such a moving environment, leadership cannot be only a status, but also a mindset, to grow together : confidence, inspiration, sharing, also a matter of knowing yourself.




  1. Different leadership styles

  2. Leading with sense

  3. Crisis Management

  4. Project leading


A lot of various exercices, role play during theses hours.



General overview to introduce LEADERSHIP. Chandler and his theory of strategy, the 4 pillars for a successful strategy (value, mission, vision). Minzberg and the difference between LEADER/team leader and MANAGER

Peter Drucker: "The only definition of a leader is someone who has followers."

Is that enough ?

Alfred Chandler, Strategy and structure: chapters in the history of the industrial enterprise, Cambridge, M.I.T. Press,‎ 1962


1. Different leaderhip styles

  • What is leadership : definitions from « the official definition » to practice

  • Different types of leadership: theorical + S/W

  • How to detect the style?

  • Wording - Theorical + TIPs

  • 9 intelligence types – 4 mandatories: to express and embark, and introduce emotional Intelligence

  • Day to day management :

    • on both human and leadership perspective : (practical)

    • grants/ rewards, sanctions,

    • majors one's private events (birth, burrow, wedding...)

    • caring : human on top of all : not assisting but take into account current one's situation (wife illness, divorce …) . Boss not

What Is Leadership? (forbes.com)

“Emotional Intelligence” : Daniel Goleman

“Multiple intelligences” : Dr How ard Gardner

“The one minute manager” : Ken Blanchard


2. Leading with sense : personal examples with items not used despite results ?

According to Porter, 5 forces to face : new entrants on the market / clients relationship / legal constraints / suitability or task switching ???/ supplier relationship

What about a sixth force on : human resources ?


Mindset : openminded, awareness, adaptability, listening + observing before talking

==> Why is it mandatory ?

Link with Sense : values, value, exigence, motivation

Know yourself, you will have a better understand of the others

Sharing Knowledge / Experience

The opened door to try, the right to fail, the necessity to learn: intrapreneurship


Motivation :

. Revamped Maslow pyramid

. Dimension 1 . Security, Pride, News, Comfort, Money, Sympathy ? Environment care? ==> Useful to salesrep

. Dimension 2Â : to contribute to something higher, larger, bigger

Empowering, sharing informations, …

1P2SÂ : at any stage if you have problem, suggest 2 solutions yourself, your manager will challenge you and you will decide together if necessary (time saving),

==> « The right man at the good place »

Reformulating : « quick report »)


Valerie Gauthier : Leading with sense

Michel Sapranides : « le leader sociétal », to be translated to English

Works from Abraham Maslow


3. Crisis Management

  • Curve Change : the 5 steps (theory) with 5 steps

  • Weak care signals: the 4 R (“repas, rire, repos, respect” in French, which means meal, laugh, rest, respect) : different vs common habits

  • Caring……

Works from Doctor Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Example from French military squadron « Légion Etrangère »

Michael Jarret : « Changeability »



4. Project Management :

  • Project mamangment review :

    • From paper to pencil to local implementation

    • From one person to one team: human is key

      • alone = faster / group = going further way

      • Various Team member : multicultur


Modalités d'enseignement

EVALUATION : . 20 % Participation

. 40 % Project management (team work, behaviour)

. 40 % written exam


. Each course begins with a wrap up of the last one

. Very participative and illustrative

. Take-away : personal driver + Emotional Quotient

