Money Banking and Financing

Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Français, Anglais
Ce cours apparaît dans les formation(s) suivante(s)
Hayyan ALIA


Basic knowledge of the economic agents, the economic system, the aggregates of national accounts, the law of supply and demand.

Exploring a specific area of the economy: currency, banking, treasury, specialized financial institutions, credit, finance.

Understanding the basic mechanisms governing the circulation, and more complex, creation, destruction and the proliferation of money.

Understanding also the basics of the new monetary policy (now European Union).


The course is divided into seven parts:

  1. Monetary and Financial Instruments

  2. Functions and definition(s) of currency

  3. Milestones in the history of money

  4. Monetary Aggregates

  5. The creation of money and its counterparts

  6. Monetary institutions and money market

  7. Monetary policy


Modalités d'enseignement

The course includes 13 sessions of 1 1/2 hours, distributed throughout the second semester.
Students must complete the course "face to face" by reading lecture notes and other documentation (newspapers and magazines, excerpts from books, pamphlets and banking fact sheets, ...)

Each part of course has a very detailed lesson plan to facilitate note taking and understanding of the overall analytical logic.

The lectures are supplemented by tutorial sessions used for both reviewing particular topics taught in class (split between the teacher and the aids. Example: Monetary aggregates), as well as practical exercises or presentations .

