The Alliance with the UPHF

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Following the official announcement in Decree n°2022-304 published in the Journal Officiel on 1 March 2022, the Université Catholique de Lille (UCL) and the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France (UPHF – Polytechnic University Hauts-de-France) have forged a strategic alliance.


This collaboration aims to merge the distinctive expertise of both institutions around six major principles:

            – Education, Research

            – Professional Integration

            – International

            – Relationships with Territories

            – Companies

            – Student Life


At the heart of this union, the Université Catholique de Lille and the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France commit themselves to harmonize their educational offer, with the success of students their priority.


The joint actions focus on awareness, education and accompaniment, with the aim of facilitating the professional integration of students. Regional partnerships are also established to help students in their efforts with local companies.

On the research level, this alliance aims at international recognition of the work carried out, with the creation of centers of excellence through the adoption of innovative practices.


A common scientific policy was thus deployed to foster the emergence of new advances in various fields.

Together, the UCL and the UPHF ambition to strengthen their presence on the international stage. Exchanges with foreign partner institutions help the recruitment of research teachers and international students. Moreover, the two universities are actively considering the creation of an “alliance of European universities” to foster closer cooperation at a continental level.


For more information


Creation of a Joint Doctoral School

The École Doctorale Polytechnique Hauts-de-France (ED PHF n°635 – Polytechnic Hauts-de-France Doctoral School), under the direction of the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France (UPHF), with the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées Hauts-de-France (INSA HdF – Hauts-de-France National Institute for Applied Sciences) and associated with the Université Catholique de Lille was created on 8 July 2021.

For more information about the École Doctorale



Since 2018, the Université Catholique de Lille and the Université Polytechnique des Hauts de France have worked together to modernize their educational offers with a focus on transdisciplinarity and skills.

Their initiative, called PRéLUDE (PIA3 NCU – ANR-18-NCUN-0019), funded by the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche – National Agency for Research,) aims at reconfiguring the Licence curricula into knowledge and skills blocks, taking into account the needs of the labor market. This approach is in line with the ministerial reforms to offer students more flexible and personalized education, whether they are in initial or continuing education.


For more information about Prélude