
  • International Summer School on ‘European Humanism in the Making’ (FUCE)

    International Summer School on ‘European Humanism in the Making’ - 5-9 July 2021

    UCSIA organizes the international Summer School on ‘European Humanism in the Making’ for the European Federation of Catholic Universities (FUCE).

    This second edition of the summer school will be held online from 5-9 July 2021.

    Two online public sessions are scheduled:

    1. ‘Waning Europeanness’  From the Warring Totalitarian Shadows of the Past to the Illiberal Threats of the Present Webinar on Monday 5 July 2021 (7 p.m.- 8.30 p.m.)

    2. ‘MYEurope’  Online panel debate on Thursday 8 July 2021 (7 p.m. - 8.30 p.m.)  


    Both events will be hosted online via Zoom.

    The webinars are free, but don't forget to register in advance.


  • Society for Philosophy and Technology (SPT) 2021 – Technological Imaginaries

    The Society for Philosophy and Technology Conference – June 28 - 30 2021

    From 28 to 30 June, the Université Catholique de Lille and the Université de Technologie de Compiègne are hosting the international conference:

    "Society for Philosophy and Technology (SPT) : SPT 2021 – Technological Imaginaries."

    Due to the disruption of COVID-19 the SPT 2021 Technological Imaginaries Conference, 28-30 June 2021, has been re-imagined online. The event will gather around 500 participants.

    More information on the conference website :

    Registration is open until the beginning of the conference and during the conference


  • International Conference "Theorising the popular"

    International conference - 25 & 26 June 2021

    This international conference organized by FLSH in collaboration with Liverpool Hope University is about popular culture and its multiple aspects. The communications will deal with English literature and visual arts.


  • Virtual World Tour - Destination Europe


    The current healthcare crisis is accelerating the transformations of society, our territories and ecosystems that have become so important in recent years. In this context, we can ask ourselves how the innovation ecosystems that have changed our lives are responding to the unprecedented challenges that are accelerating the transformation of the World? Are we at the dawn of a shift towards a new decarbonized, digital and ecological civilization?



    Three days of Study Research Action Webinar that are part of 5 years of research in which 17 key destinations have been explored. The guiding questions of this approach are:

    • How are innovative ecosystems a factor in the competitiveness of continents, countries, regions and cities?

    • How are innovative ecosystems changing today in terms of culture, systems, management and structures?

    • How are the most dynamic innovative ecosystems likely to evolve in the future in the face of today's major global challenges?

    Focal points include: the role of the university-business-administration triangle, startup dynamics, systemic governance, the general interest, monetary policy, artistic avantgarde, collaborative processes, artificial intelligence and data, short-, medium-, and longterm foresight, benchmarking best practices, and the impact of pandemics.


    After six consecutive years of traveling around the world, exploring the dynamics of the planet's main innovative ecosystems, Michel Saloff-Coste is proposing a virtual and collaborative journey for 2021 to leverage collective and prospective intelligence and disseminate more rapidly the key practices observed on the planet. A journey that foreshadows a hybrid journey for 2022. These three days are part of a "virtual world tour" of innovative ecosystems with a view to building a research and Futur Studies network. This study and reflection trip will mobilize academics, researchers, practitioners, senior civil servants and entrepreneurs.




    Zoom link

  • International students eligible for 1€ meals

    Some information for our international students:

    You are eligible for meals at 1€ from All – student life services. In order to benefit, just send a copy of your student card or high school certificate to

    Please note that you will need to have an All Services card. Your order will not be validated immediately; you will have to wait a day!


    Card purchase:


  • Childhood, Migration and Precarity

    As part of a series of seminars related to Social Pediatrics, the CEM and the FMM offer you a sharing of knowledge around the themes of "Childhood, Migration and Precarity".

    This two-hour webinar will focus on the concepts and societal challenges of these current topics on January 26, 2021 from 2 to 4 pm.

    More information and log-in link:

  • LILLE Winter 2021 goes online !

    LILLE Winter 2021 goes online ! 

    6 ECTS Credits = 3 North American Credits

    Registration is now open for our online class on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development. This course aims to highlight the current global trends, opportunities, and challenges facing businesses today. 

    The program will also include some social & cultural activities, to familiarize students with France, Lille, and the Université Catholique de Lille itself. 

    More information online:

  • Université Catholique de Lille & Covid-19



    Since the beginning of the 2020 school year, a very strict protocol has been put in place, respecting all recommended sanitary measures in accordance with the French government. 

    This video was realized by the office of International Relations & Communication and the students association (Fédé).

  • Université Catholique de Lille elects new President Rector

    Join us in welcoming Patrick Scauflaire as the newly elected President Rector of the Université Catholique de Lille.  Mr. Scauflaire was formerly the Director of ICAM, one of the University’s engineering schools and has spent time in both the educational and engineering business world. 

    Mr. Scauflaire’s 5-year university mandate includes:

    - Consolidating the University’s position - Working together: governance in unity - Offering students a true life experience - Placing ‘care’ at the heart of the project


    Read the official press release

  • 3rd Mission of UCL during COVID-19 crisis

    The engagement of universities in the society during/after the Coronavirus Crisis: discover the initiatives of 4 European higher education actors including Université Catholique de Lille and her partner, Tbilisi State University, in Georgia”.

    Pr JCCailliez :

    “We need to work and think differently: we have to use these online technologies for the students so we decided to change a lot of programs for students in the next academic year and we are trying to do the same for the companies. We will continue to invite the people from the society in the university and be open to the people but we have to be more creative, more innovative. If you have difficulties like during this COVID-19 crisis, you are more creative.” “Students in the universities and people in the companies are connected: in universities, students study on subjects linked to the society and in companies, people create knowledge. We want to work with people inside the universities and outside the universities in collective programs”.



  • LILLE ESP Online Mini-Courses

    Since the French government has instructed all higher educational institutions to remain closed to students through the end of the 2109/20 academic year, including summer sessions, we have had to postpone the 2020 European Summer Program until next year.

    However, the educational process is continuing in the form of distance learning courses, self-study, video lectures and/or other methods. With this in mind, the LILLE Programs have developed several free educational modules for anyone interested in learning more about the history, culture, art, and innovation of Lille, France. See the full list of courses below for module descriptions.

    Registration deadline:  15 June 2020

    Find out more !

  • French as a foreign language - Online course

    In addition to the mini-courses of our LILLE European Summer Program, our Faculty of Modern Languages (CLARIFE) is offering online French language courses this summer.  These courses will be more traditional in the sense that there are scheduled video class times, homework assignments, and transferable ECTS credits.  These courses are fee-paying and available for all levels of French skills.  

    Dates - 1st session: 8th June to 26th June 2020 - 2nd session: 29th June to 17th July 2020

    Number of hours: 24 hours of videoconference classes + 12 hours (approx.) independent on-line work with teacher supervision and guidance

    More information


  • Information - Life at university

    The Université Catholique de Lille is beginning a gradual reopening of its administrative activity beginning Monday, May 11th, 2020. However, the campus remains closed to students and visitors and specific security measures in place. Nevertheless, some visitors are allowed by appointment only. 

    Online registration will take place in the beginning of June. You can find all the necessary information on the institution's websites:  We look forward to seeing the students in the new 2020-2021 academic year. 

    The university staff, which continues to work remotely, is at your disposal.  For more information, please call the university switchboard +33 3 20 13 40 00 or contact the university by email at  Thank you for your understanding.  

  • Stay Home & Stay Safe

    To students at Université Catholique de Lille during the COVID-19 situation:

    Discover our selection of activities

    Dear Université Catholique de Lille Student Community,

    We hope each of you is staying home and staying safe. Our students’ well-being and safety is one of our greatest responsibilities and we are taking it very seriously during this global pandemic.

    We understand that confinement in small student dorms or residences can be difficult; however, it is essential that each of us does our part to help slow the progression of the COVID-19 disease in Lille, in France, and around the world.

    Each of you should have information from your particular faculty or school relating to your academic studies and how to complete your semester online.

    This webpage is intended to provide you with important information and some ideas on how to make the most of your time during the mandatory government confinement.  We have put together a number of internet resources that will provide you with updates from the French government, the City of Lille, and the University, as well as a wide variety of things to help keep you occupied during the next few weeks, from virtual museum visits to online workouts, and from easy cooking recipes to free e-books and films.  We hope you find the information pertinent and useful.

    If you are in need of any assistance, please contact the international student office of your school or faculty.

    We continue to persevere as a community and thank each of you in advance for your cooperation.


    The International Relations and Communications Office Université Catholique de Lille  

    Discover our selection of activities

  • University of Sarajevo visits Lille

    Professors from University of Sarajevo came to teach at ISA about pleaded uranium contamination in the Balkans and air pollution in Bosnia-and-Herzegovina, looking for solutions and public health information, thanks to our Erasmus+ ICM project


    In a similar scheme as « LILLE, EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE » in 2004, Lille will be the « WORLD DESIGN CAPITAL » in 2020.

    This nomination is the result of a competition between cities all around the world, and more particulary, of a final between Lille and Sydney. The aim of being a World design capital for Lille is to be able to transform and to galvanize the metropolitan territory through the use of design.

    In order to achieve this goal, any structure of the MEL (European Metropolis of Lille) can submit a project, called « Proof of Concept » (POC). So far, The Université Catholique de Lille has submitted 13 files, concerning various projects in progress.

    The themes of these POCs contribute to create « the codesign dynamics of a desirable future » within the Université Catholique de Lille.

    They concern the educational innovation, the relationship with the territory, the energy and societal transition, the artistic dimension…

    Synergy is encouraged between POCs of the University as well as links with others POC of the territory.

    In 2020, these projects will be promoted through a program, in the same form as the one for « LILLE 3000 » : communication, exhibitions, visits, courses around different themes).

    The Université Catholique de Lille will actively participate in the program established by Lille World Design Captial, and will also provide a specific program concerning the University. This will promote the outcomes of the POCs, but also integrate events offered by the establishments.

  • Visit of a UCAC-ICAM delegation

    Welcome to Université Catholique de Lille


    We welcomed this week a delegation from the Institut UCAC-ICAM (Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale, Cameroon): Father Epiphane KINH, Vice-Rector of the UCAC, Father Mathieu NDOMBA, representative of the Jesuit Province of Western Africa, M. Alain Brice BOUMPOUTOU, administrator of UCAC-ICAM.

    They discovered our historical campus, and our innovations in term of pedagogy, entrepreneurship & sustainable development.

    The main mission of the Ucac-Icam Institute is to train, in Africa and for Africa, technicians and engineers who are professionally competent and humanly responsible.



    Decembre 17, 2019 /8:30 – 19:30

    Threats and Opportunities for Asset Owners and Asset Managers Organised by EDHEC-Risk the EDHEC Climate Finance Conference will take place on December 17, 2019 at the Palais Brongniart in Paris and will discuss two main themes of great interest to the institutional investment and fund manager communities: Investing in Climate Risk and Measuring and Managing Climate Risk.  Leading experts will be featured at the conference, including, Lionel Martellini (Director of EDHEC-Risk Institute), Gianfranco Gianfrate (Professor of Finance, EDHEC Business School), Riccardo Rebonato (Professor of Finance, EDHEC Business School), and professional experts from the industry. This conference will be preceded on December 16 by an academic gathering which is organized by EDHEC Business School and co-sponsored by the Journal of Corporate Finance, which also will publish a Special Issue of a subset of the papers presented at the conference. Palais Brongniart, Paris - France

    EDHEC-Risk Institute or on: +33 493187887

  • 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

    La chaire Enfance et Familles (anciennement chaire DISE – Droits et Intérêt Supérieur de l’Enfant) et le C3RD en partenariat avec le Bureau International Catholique de l’Enfance organisent à l’occasion du trentième anniversaire de la Convention internationale des droits de l’enfant, un colloque intitulé :

    30ème anniversaire de la Convention relative aux droits de l’enfant Réflexions et enjeux*
