Code Cours
Language of instruction
Teaching content
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)
Bachelor in International Business
Program year


Being open to self-questioning, relational dynamics. Being personnally involved.
Having a good command of the English language.
Students will be guided on their group projects, particularly the "Methodology" BIB1.
2-day experiential seminar in BIB1: one day on the first semester & one on the second. : groups of approximately a dozen students. Individual and collective exercises, simulations, individual and collective exchanges, theoretical contributions. This course requires active participation and a strong personal involvement.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
Communicate effectively in English
Equipped with strong team leadership skills
Compose constructive personal feedback and guidance
Appraise the performance of a team
Work effectively as a team:
- Be effective in the" relational aspect": communicating with other teammates
- Be effective in the " methodology ": preparing, participating in, leading a meeting
Working in "Collective Intelligence" is an integral part of the company and of the managerial function. This course aims at developing the students' interpersonal skills and know-how in their numerous group assignments throughout the Bachelor cycle, during their internships and their future professional life.
"Collective and Relational Intelligence / Initiation" will support the "Methodology" project, to equip the students with an adapted working method and communication to other team members. This support will be provided during the 3 years of the Bachelor cycle. Bachelor 1 : Initiation / BIB2 2 : In-depth -Intermediate / BIB3 3 : Advanced training
Seminars run over 2 days (one in semester 1 & one in semester 2) in groups of approximately 12 students.
A variety of activities are offered including individual and group exercises, roleplays, discussions and theoretical concepts. The course requires active participation and a good sense of commitment.
Concepts discussed:
- The importance of framework and values in a team
- 1st approach to a definition of "Collective Intelligence"
- The Triangle of Autonomy Iin Transactional analysis: Permission, Protection, and Potency.
- Basic concepts in interpersonal communication: subjective experience /frame of reference, active listening, paraphrasing, facts-opinions-feelings and « I » message, NVC.
- Leading a meeting: preparing, participating in, chairing


Type Amount of time Comment
Cours interactif 14,00 Day 1 on semester 1 : students will be experimenting with role-plays and simulations. Regular input of concepts. . Day 2 on semester 2: Feedback from Day1 on both the methodology and relational aspects of their group work. Further study on the relation
E-Learning 3,00 Between the 2 days of the workshop, students must question their practice both on the method and on their relational skills in their group project, question themselves on the areas for improvement identified in day 1, and in particular on the methodology
Recherche 5,00
Travail personnel
Charge de travail personnel indicative 5,00
Overall student workload 27,00
The assessment focuses on the student's behaviours and on their participation during the seminar as well as a reflective report reflecting their experience of the seminar, in relation to their group work.
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Contrôle continu
Participation 14,00 1 60,00
Rapport écrit 5,00 1 40,00
TOTAL 100,00


Toby Segaran : Programming Collective Intelligence: Building Smart Web 2.0 Applications Paperback – 26 Aug 2007 -
Thomas W. Malone Michael S. Bernstein Handbook of Collective Intelligence Hardcover – 4 Dec 2015 -
Ken Wilber- A theory of everything, An Integral Vision for Business, Politics, Science and Spirituality, 2000, paperback ed.: ISBN 1-57062-855-6 -