Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
Teaching content
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)
Program year


No prerequisite is compulsory but the student has to be familiar with the main notions that govern the theme of sustainable development.
Sustainable development is a recent and multidimensional concept. These characteristics make it confusing and hard to access. However, nowadays, it is ever-present in the management sphere, at least in the presentations that are made.
This course will allow students to have a clearer vision of where this concept appears in the global business world. It will also explain the implications for firms and give the student the ability to critically analyse the use of this notion in firms’ strategies and decisions.

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
- master what the sustainable development notion recovers
- understand the stakes for a firm concerning its implication in sustainable development
- know how to distinguish an authentic commitment strategy in the field of sustainable development from a marketing and communication operation
- identify the return on investment of a commitment strategy of sustainable development for a company (some concrete examples)
1) General framework
- The apparition of the concept of sustainable development / definition and dimensions
- The leading international players (international organisations NGO…)
- Macroeconomic implications : environmental concerns (Rio summit conference, Johannesburg summit conference…), social and ethical concerns (fair trade, intragenerational equity…), economic concerns (financial state of countries, support program put together by the World Bank for the countries that have the most debts…)

2) Implications for the company
- Constraints, strategies, implementation modalities
- Illustration of those questions through the study of numerous cases. Example: social rating of firms, pharmaceuticalsindustries' strategies when dealing with poor countries, firms' environmental constraints, product labelling…

3) Concrete applications
- The socially responsible investment and the extra-financial grading
- The risks of sustainable development in the insurance sector


Type Amount of time Comment
Face to face
Interactive class 16,00 Cours interactif (10h40), Séminaire (5h20)
Independent work
E-Learning 8,00 Elaboration et réalisation étude de cas : Etude de la stratégie DD/RSE
Independent study
Group Project 10,00 Restitution et rapport d'observation (par groupes de 3 étudiants)
Estimated personal workload 14,00
External teaching source
Visits 2,00 Collecte données DD/RSE, Observation des bonnes pratiques en interne
Overall student workload 50,00
The assessment is based on the development of a project in the form of a case study (written assignment + presentation) and on the knowledge acquired in lectures and seminars (in the form of a written examination). Participation will also be taken into account.
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Continuous assessment
Participation 0,00 1 10,00
Oral presentation 0,50 1 20,00
Final Exam
Written exam 2,00 1 50,00
Case study 0,00 1 20,00
TOTAL 100,00


Pas de livre de référence mais il est conseillé à l'étudiant de lire les ouvrages suivants : -
L’entreprise et l’éthique- BALLET Jérome et DE BRY Françoise (2001) Seuil -
Revue Développement Durable & Territoire -
Le développement durable, dynamique et constitution d’un projet- ZACCAÏ Edwin (2002), P.I.E. – Peter Lang -
Développement durable et territoire- ZUINDEAU Bertrand (2000), Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, Villeneuve d'Ascq -
NB : Une liste plus fournie et détaillée sera remise lors de la première séance du cours -