EU trade and investment policy

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)



Forms of instruction

As much as possible, the lesson will be divided in two parts:

An hour of presentation

An hour of role plays/debates/case studies

If the classes are online, I will try to use images and videos as much as possible

In the past, three external speakers joined the class: a MEP, a representative of the EU Commission working on EU investment policy and a member of the French Permanent representation to the EU. Subject to availability, they should be able to intervene again this year in the class and free some time for students to ask them questions.

Contrôle continu : coeff. 100



Graham Dunkley “One World Mania. A critical Guide to free trade, financialization and over-globalisation”|| Lauge Poulsen "Bounded Rationality and Economic Diplomacy"|| Ken Heydon "The political economy of International Trade"|| Gus Van Harten "The trouble with Foreign Investor Protection"|| Writings by Naomi Klein; Walden Bello ; Dani Rodrik and <a>Kyla Tienhaara , </a>|| Debates in the European parliament||||||