European Environmental Governance

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)



Forms of instruction

Course format:

Weekly lectures with discussion, individual readings, group work

Course assessment:

Group work (40%): Assignment given to the working groups

Exam (60%): 2 hours written exam with multiple-choice and open-ended questions.




Atkinson, R. et al. (eds). 2011. <i>Sustainability in European Environmental Policy. Challenges of Governance and Knowledge.</i> London/New York.|| Bäckstrand, K./Elgström; O. 2013. The EU’s role in climate change negotiations: from leader to ‘leadiator’. <i>Journal of European Public Policy</i> 20(10): 1369-1386.|| Biermann, F. 2015, <i>Earth System Governance: World Politics in the Anthropocene.</i> Cambridge, MA.|| Delreux, Tom 2014. EU actorness, cohesiveness and effectiveness in environmental affairs. <i>Journal of European Public Policy</i> 21 (7): 1017–1032.|| Dryzek, J.S./Schlosberg, D. (eds.) 2005. <i>Debating the Earth: The Environmental Politics Reader.</i> Oxford/New York.|| Haverland M. 2003. The impact of the European Union on environmental policies. In: Featherstone, K./ Radaelli. C.M. (ed.): <i>The Politics of Europeanisation</i>. Oxford, pp. 203-221.|| Héritier A. 2002. New modes of governance in Europe: policy making without legislating? In: Héritier A (ed.): <i>The Provision of Common Goods: Governance across Multiple Arenas</i>. Boulder, CO, pp. 185-206.|| Holzinger, K. et al. (eds.) 2008. <i>Environmental Policy Convergence in Europe. The Impact of International Institutions and Trade.</i> Cambridge.|| Jordan, A. (ed.) 2013. <i>Environmental Policy in the EU: Actors, Institutions and Processes. </i>Routledge, London.|| Jordan, A. et al. 2012. Understanding the paradoxes of multi-level governing: climate change policy in the European Union. <i>Global Environmental Politics</i> 12 (2), 41-64.|| Jordan, A. et al. 2013. Still the century of ‘new’ environmental policy instruments? Exploring patterns of innovation and continuity. <i>Environmental Politics</i> 22:1, 155-173|| Jordan, A., et al. 2011. Policy instruments in practice. In: Dryzek, J.S./Norgaard, R.B./Schlosberg, D. (eds.): Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 536-549.|| Knill, C./Liefferink, D. 2007. <i>Environmental Politics in the European Union: Policy-Making, Implementation and Patterns of Multi-level Governance.</i> Manchester.|| Langlet, D./Mahmoudi, S. 2016. <i>EU Environmental Law and Policy.</i> Oxford.|| Manners, I. 2002. Normative power Europe: a contradiction in terms? <i>Journal of Common Market Studies</i> 40 (2): 235-258.|| McCormick, J. 2001. <i>Environmental Policy in the European Union.</i> Basingstoke.|| Mol, A. et al. (eds.) 2009. <i>The Ecological Modernisation Reader. Environmental Reform in Theory and Practice</i>. London/New York.|| OECD 2012. Green Growth and Environmental Governance in Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia. <i>OECD Green Growth Papers,</i> No. 2012-02. Paris.|| Wurzel, R./Connelly, J. (eds.) 2010. <i>The European Union as a Leader in International Climate Change Politics.</i> London.|| Wurzel, R. et al. 2013. <i>Environmental Governance in Europe: A Comparative Analysis of New Environmental Policy Instruments.</i> Cheltenham.