History of Europe in 20th Century

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)



Be familiar with the History of Europe in the 20th Century: main events and periods.

Students may complete their knowledge of 20th Century Europe by means of the handbooks proposed in the bibliography.


This course aims to provide students in political science with a historical bakcground and a historical sensibility. The course overviews the most relevant historical processes affecting the European continent in the 20th Century. It offers insights into significant concepts of European contemporary history: total war, genocide, crimes against humanity, human rights, nation, democracy, Cold War, etc.

At the end of the course, students will be familiar with the main questions discussed by 20th-Century historians. They will be able to analyse and question the social, political and legal ruptures and continuities in European affairs from a historical perspective.


The topic of the course is the transnational history of Europe in the 20th Century. This topic will be studied with regard to 2 main chronological frameworks:

  • The European Civil Wars (1912-1945).

  • The Cold War in Europe (1945-1989).

The main historical processes involved in these chronological frameworks will be studied from a perspective combining geopolitical affairs to social, economic, and cultural questions.


Forms of instruction

The course consists of a series of ex cathedra lectures. Students must attend the lectures and are invited to participate with their questions. A lot of audiovisual material will be displayed at lectures, such as pictures, maps and newsreels, which will be discussed during lectures too.

Students will prepare their exam on the notes they take during lectures. The use of handbooks to delve into the discussed information is highly recommended.

The slides used by Mr. Fernandez Soriano during the lectures will be uploaded on I-Campus every week. These slides content useful material such as historical maps.

In the eventuality of Covid-19 further restrictions, the lectures will be podcasted by Mr. Fernandez Soriano as long as the restrictions are imposed.

Examen : coeff. 1
