Code Cours
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Program year


Students wishing to take this course should have taken an introductory marketing or principles of marketing course, as well as have taken a course on consumer behavior (i.e., consumer psychology, social psychology) and marketing research (or statistics).
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

-Research, create, and execute a comprehensive marketing campaign that solves a business problem
-Successfully collaborate within an intercultural team (1B)
-Communicate effectively in English (1C)
-Solve professional dilemmas using concepts of CSR and ethics (2B)
-Breakdown complex organiizational problems using the appropriate FUSION methodology (3A)
-Propose creative solutions within an organization (3B)
-Convey powerful messages using contemporary presentation techniques (4C)
-Construct expert knowledge from cutting-edge information (5B)
-Thoroughly examine a complex business situation (6A)
-Synthesize multifaceted information from various sources across different functional fields (6B)
Marketing is comprehensive. From the extremely quantitive fields of marketing research and
operations/logistics to the more qualitative, creative fields of advertisig and new product innovation,
marketing is a business discipline whose components span a diverse, multifunctional skillset. However,
students are rarely given the opportunity to think through how these related-yet-unique components interact,
complement one another, and work as an ensemble to create an effective, memorable marketing campaign.

In this course, students will be introduced to the Fusion framework, a model that first teaches the core
components of marketing (i.e., advertising, sponsorship, promotion, digital media, PR, corpoate social
responsibility, customer service, trade/B2B relationships), and then synthesizes 1) research/data insights, 2)
consumer psychology, and 3) creative executions. Then, using the Fusion framework, students will critique
well-known existing campaigns - good and bad - and develop an original campaign of their own to achieve a
specific business goal.


Type Amount of time Comment
Cours interactif 8,00 Although I will need to do some lecturing to explain key points, my course is always interactive, so I split the time 8 hours for magistral and 8 hours for interactive, yet much of the course will be very interactive.
Cours magistral 8,00 Although I will need to do some lecturing to explain key points, my course is always interactive, so I split the time 8 hours for magistral and 8 hours for interactive, yet much of the course will be very interactive.
Travail personnel
Group Project 5,00 Students will work in groups to research, design, and create a comprehensive marketing campaign and present it to the class on the final day.
Charge de travail personnel indicative 2,00 This is to account for time students may need as "extra" time to focus on their readings, indiviual write-ups, and the group project.
Individual Project 3,00 Student will write one-page writeups on key concepts to keep them actively engaged in the course and to prepare them for the group project.
Lecture du manuel de référence 6,00 Students will read the book accompanying the course throughout the week.
Recherche 3,00 Students will design an original survey that captures insights from consumers that will help them develop their integrated campaign.
Overall student workload 35,00
Student grades will consist of:
1) individual write-up assignments
2) a series of short quizzes that reviews
the prior day's learning objectives/lessons
3) a comprehensive group project, as well as engagement
and participation throughout the course
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Contrôle continu
Contrôle continu 25,00 3 20,00
Participation 0,00 0 10,00
Projet Collectif 5,00 0 50,00
Rapport écrit 5,00 0 20,00
TOTAL 100,00


Fusion: A Modern Approach to Integrated Marketing Strategy by James Mourey, Ph.D -