Intelligence Tests french part

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)
Ségolène NAJI


Middle school math and good sense!
Cognitive aptitudes: general math knowledge, general logic, memorization, verbal reasoning, expression, argumentation.
Attitude: willing to reflect and to work, master of keys moments, adaptation to game rules
Target the different expectations of this type of test: the logic test aspect with the different types of series (names, letters, spatial) and that of middle school mathematic problems.
Series: names, letter, spatial. You will be given several different techniques to use in order to understand different types of series and to obtain the necessary reflexes to gain time.
Mathematical problems: You will find all the mathematical concepts seen in middle school such as percentages, speeds, area, volumes, systems…
Intensive training in written aptitude tests: literary tests; comprehension and memorization of texts, verbal aptitude development and treatment of general knowledge questions.
Methodical preparation and sustained practical evaluation by short multi-choice question tests.


Forms of instruction

8 heures de cours TD en Tage 2 + 10 heures de cours TD en Tage Mage.

Remarques :

Pédagogie de l'erreur (exercices + rappels méthodologiques + fiches de cours).




Exercices de révision du Tage Mage et annales + Certificat Voltaire + sujets d'entrainements du nouveau Passerelle QCM (Compréhension et Expression).