Introduction to international relations

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)



Examen : coeff. 100



|| <b>Manuels</b>|| <ul> <li>Batistella Dario, [2003]. <i>Théorie des relations internationales</i> Paris, Presses de Sciences Po.</li> <li>Smouts Marie-Claude, [1998]. <i>Les nouvelles relations internationales. Pratiques et théories</i>, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po; translated: Smouts Marie-Claude, [2001 (1998)]. <i>The New International Relations. Theory and Practice</i>, London, Hurst.</li> <li>Siméant Johanna, [2016]. <i>Guide l’enquête globale en sciences sociales</i>, Paris, CNRS Editions.</li> <li>Baylis John, Smith Steve, Owens Patricia, <i>The Globalization of World Politics. An Introduction to international relations</i>, 6th edition, Oxford, Oxford University Press.</li> </ul> <b>Ouvrages de référence </b>|| <ul> <li>Bartelson Jens, 2001. <i>Critique of the state</i></li> <li>Bartelson Jens, 1995. <i>Genealogy of Sovereignty</i></li> <li>Bull Hedley, 2002 [1977]. <i>The Anarchical Society. A study of Order in World Politics</i>.</li> <li>Clastres Pierre, 1980. <i>Archéologie de la violence.</i></li> <li>Clastres Pierre, 1980. <i>La société contre l’Etat.</i></li> <li>Devereux S., 2007. <i>The New Famines: Why Famines Persist in an Era of Globalization</i>, Oxon (UK): Routledge.</li> <li>Elias Norbert, 1975 [1939], <i>La dynamique de l’Occident.</i></li> <li>Keohane Robert, Nye Joseph, 1977. <i>Power and interdependance</i>.</li> <li>Mattelart Armand, 1999. <i>Histoire de l'utopie planétaire. De la cité prophétique à la société globale</i>.</li> <li>McLuhan Marshall, <i>La galaxie Gutenberg.</i></li> <li>Morgenthau Hans, 1948. <i>Politics among nations. The Struggle for Power and Peace</i>.</li> <li>Onuf Nicholas, 1989. <i>World of our making</i>.</li> <li>Ruggie John, 1998. <i>Constructing World Polity</i>.</li> <li>Saïd Edward, <i>L'Orientalisme. L'Orient créé par l'Occident</i>.</li> <li>Sloterdijck Peter, <i>Le palais de cristal.</i></li> <li>Todorov Tzvetan,<i> La découverte de l’Amérique.</i></li> <li>Walker R.B.J., 1993. <i>Inside/Outside. International Relations as Political Theory</i>.</li> <li>Waltz Kenneth, 1979. <i>Theory of International Politics</i>.</li> </ul> <b>Articles de référence</b>|| <ul> <li>Bigo Didier, Walker R.B.J., 2007. « Political Sociology and the Problem of the International », <i>Millennium. Journal of International Studies</i>, 35(3) : 725-739.</li> <li>Bonditti Philippe, 2011. “Tracer les individus, effacer les frontiers”, <i>CERISCOPE Frontières</i>.</li> <li>Cardoso Fernando Henrique, 1979 [1971]. “The Internationalization of the Market. The New Nature of Dependency”, In: <i>Dependency and Development in Latin America</i>, Berkeley/L.A.: University of Berkeley Press, pp. 149-171.</li> <li>Cox Robert, 1981. « Social forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory », <i>Millenium. Journal of International Studies</i>, 10(2): 126-135.</li> <li>Dalby Simon, 2015. “Anthorpocene Formations : Environmental Security, Geopolitics and disaster”, <i>Theory, Culture and Society</i>, 0(0) : 1-20.</li> <li>Duffield Mark, 2007. “Permanent emergency and decolonization”, In <i>Development, Security and Unending War: Governing the Worlds of People</i>, Cambridge: Polity, pp. 32-64.</li> <li>Escobar Arturo, 1997. “The Making and Unmaking of the Third World”. In: M. Rahnema, V. Bawtree, eds., <i>The Post-Development Reader</i>, London: Zed Books, pp. 85-93.</li> <li>Escobar Arturo, 1999. “The Invention of Development”, <i>Current History</i>, 98(631): 382-386.</li> <li>Foucault Michel, 2004. “Leçon du 22 mars 1978”, dans <i>Sécurité, Territoire, Population. Cours au Collège de France 1978.</i></li> <li>Freyre Gilberto, 1986 [1933].<b> </b>Two first prefaces to the English edition. In: <i>The Masters and the Slaves. A Study in the Development of Brazilian Civilization</i>. Berkeley, Los Angeles/London: University of California Press.</li> <li>Galtung Johan, 1971. “A Structural theory of Imperialism”, <i>Journal of Peace Research</i>, 8(2)