Introduction to Public International Law

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)



Forms of instruction

The course will try, as much as possible, to draw illustration from current international
events and push students to use the rules and principles of law expounded during the course to
analyse them. Although it will take a classic ex-cathedra form the classes will try, as much as possible, to open space up for discussion and debate.

Power-points for each lecture, including recommended readings, will be posted on i-Campus.

The evaluation process will be three fold:

(1) In the first place, students will be evaluated through travaux dirigés (40% of the final grade).

(2) In the second place,students will be evaluated through a mid-term exam (10% of the final grade). This exam will take the form of multiple choice questions.

(3) Finally, the evaluation will take the form of a written exam (50% of the final grade).
The exam will be divided into two parts. The first part will consist in multiplechoice
questions. None, some or all the proposed answers might be correct. Students will have to
justify their answer in a short paragraph. No negative points will be applied for incorrect answers,
but unjustified answers will not be corrected. The second part of the exam will
consist in a small practical case inspired from current international events for which students will
have to put their theoretical knowledge into practice. The objective will be to assess whether they
are able to analyse and reflect on a concrete situation using international law.

