Code Cours
Language of instruction
Teaching content
Training officer(s)
Lille BF : Céline Brogniart-Merlin / Aurélie Mahieux / Nicolas Jean / Vincent Desreumaux / Romain Noel / Maa El Ainin Alaktif/ Amine Marouane/ Carine Drapier
Lille BIE : Romain Noel / Marianne Guyot-Longuepee / Loic Berger / Fatma Güneri
, Paris BF : Mahsa Javaheri / Iuliana Matei / Moussa Diaby / Ibrahima Soumare / Ahmed Haidara / Thomas Renault
Paris BIE : Mahsa Javaheri / Tat-Kei LAI / Simone Moriconi / Matthieu Picault
Program year


No prior knowledge is required except mathematics principles for rate calculations. An inquiring mind and regular monitoring of economic news facilitate the linking of the concepts discussed with the reality of today's world.
- Clearly define the major macroeconomic indicators explaining or describing the situation of a country (interest rates, unemployment, inflation, growth, etc.) and identify the links between them
- Describe the literary, graphical and analytical analysis of the three major schools (classical, monetarist, Keynesian) of economic policies and identify the influences of these schools in the current political actions or debates
- Describe and explain the economic policies (fiscal and monetary) and their potential impact on the economy
- Finally understand the consequences of abroad events or policies (= shocks) on the national economy
This course refers particularly to the learning goals 2 (are competent in their field, rigorous and committed to quality / Work with rigor, precision and are well organized in a professionnal environment) and 4 (Able to inderstand how the global environment impacts managerial decisions / Understand how business and economics cycle fluctuations affect company performances)
- General principles of economic reasoning
- The measure of growth and inflation
- Supply and demand
- The market for loanable funds: savings, investissement, financial system
- Currency and inflation
- the IS-LM model
- Open economy
- Analysing a medium / long term economy
- Impact of economic policies on previous models
- Analysis of inflation and unemployment


Type Amount of time Comment
Face to face
Interactive class 40,00 Flip Classes; 2 or 3 weekly sessions
Independent work
Reference manual 's readings 47,00 47h = all the personal work : combining book's reading, e-learning, personal work to prepare exercises and to preprare the exams
Overall student workload 87,00
- Each interactive session has to be prepared and this will be checked each week (no access to the session in case of an absence of this preparation or forgotten homework)
- MCQ on the manual chapter each week
- Partial and final written exams
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Continuous assessment
Mid-term exam 2,00 1 25,00
QCM 0,10 10 30,00
Final Exam
Written exam 2,00 1 45,00
TOTAL 100,00


Mankiw / Taylor, Economics, Cengage Learning, 3rd edition -
Internet resources