Marketing 1

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)
Anne Lapicore


- The marketing process
- The distinction between strategic and operational marketing
- Qualitative analysis of demand: consumer behavior, buying decision process
Explain the purpose of the knowledge of one's market for the company and describe the necessary tools and methods
Introduction: Why is it important to understand and use market intelligence
Part I: The content of market analysis
I) The description of a market (Scope, type of market trend, attraction, players, etc..)
II) The microenvironment: an analysis of demand
- Segmentation, Targeting
- Quantitative analysis: the usual indicators
III) The microenvironment: an analysis of supply
- Products and the segmentation of offers
- Partners, suppliers, distributors
- Competitors and Competitive Strategies
IV) The macro environment: demographic, economic, natural, technological, regulatory, etc..

Part II: Using the Market Analysis
I) The establishment of the company on its market (SWOT analysis)
II) Diagnosis
Part III: Methods and tools for market analysis
I) Collection, storage and dissemination of information (MIS)
II) Market Research
- Specification
- Documentary research, qualitative and quantitative studies
Conclusion: the "market orientation" of the company and being a charge of marketing studies


Forms of instruction
• Lecture: Presentations and other course materials (press clippings and documents)
• Tutorial: Practical exercises and elaboration of concepts discussed in class, case studies



LENDREVIE J. et LINDON D., – « Mercator, Théorie et pratique du Marketing » - Dalloz, ||, • Presse : Marketing magazine, Capital, L’entreprise, L’essentiel du management, LSA, ||KOTLER P., KELLER K.L., DUBOIS B. et MANCEAU D. (2006), – « Marketing Management » - Vuibert,