Code Cours
Language of instruction
English, French
Teaching content
Training officer(s)

Chris Delepierre (ChangeMaker et Creative Technologist chez Trézorium)
, Xavier Blocquel (Innovation and Corporate Governance Plan (ADIX)
Program year


- To master the basics of marketing management.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

- Understand what social entrepreneurship / innovation is (AOL 2)
- Identify the challenges facing marketing practitioners with regards to the development, communication, and evaluation of social entrepreneurship initiatives (AOL 2 and 3), and generate sustainable solutions for the organization, through a concrete project (AOL2 and AOL3)
- Working in a team on a concrete project with a company (AOL 4)
- Integrate into an international and intercultural environment (AOL1)

*The course will be illustrated with a concrete project with a company.
Innovation is not necessarily about creating new technology. In fact, some of the most iconic innovation examples of the past few years (the iPhone, Amazon Prime, Uber) use existing technology to create superior value through better business model design and new consumption uses.

This course will give students an overview on what innovation is all about, starting from the notion of creativity and brainstorming, to consumer insight (active listening, ethnography, individual or collective interviews). Consumer insight emerge as powerful fools to find relevant ideas and innovations.

The purpose of this class for the students is to:
- Understand the importance of innovation and its main theories
- Teach them how to boost their creativity
- Know what makes an innovation a success or a failure
- Understand the innovation and entrepreneurship processes
- Be familiar with 2019-2020 market trends and technologies
- Be exposed to many concrete examples to feed their inspiration
- Practice and learn by doing
- External professionals will visit to share experiences and give some real life examples

Students will work hands-on to develop an innovation project based on a new service (related to service functionality and collaborative consumption) in a perspective of social entrepreneurship.


Type Amount of time Comment
Face to face
Interactive class 16,00 Participation is highly encouraged.
Coaching 4,00
Independent study
Group Project 5,00 A group project based on a new service (social entrepreneurship).
Overall student workload 25,00
- A group project based on a real-world business project based on an innovation in the field of "servicization" (a new service in the field of social entrepreneurship) (an oral defense in front of a startupper, a manager in the field of innovation).
- Active and relevant participation (individual assessment.
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Continuous assessment
Participation 0,00 0 20,00
Group Project 4,00 1 80,00
TOTAL 100,00


Le Nagard-Assayag, E., Manceau, D., Delerm, S. (2015). Marketing de l'innovation, Dunod, Paris Trott, P (2017). Innovation Management and New Product Development, 6th Edition, Pearson, Paris -
Revues professionnelles : Points de vente, L.S.A, Linéaires, Marketing Magazine,… -