Mathematics 4

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)
Lhassan Habach


Maths in L1 Gestion
This is not a purely mathematical course but an introductory course to mathematical tools used in economics and management (micro- and macro-economics finance, accounting, management of resources and production, marketing ...).
Chapter 1: Application of integral calculus
1. Average value in economics
2. Lorentz curve and Gini coefficient
3. Determination of surplus in the economic sense
4. Determination of market values

Chapter 2: Introduction to mathematical analysis

1. Reminders on the concepts of vector spaces and linear maps
2. Euclidean spaces
3. The concept of inertia and center of gravity of a cloud of points
4. Elements of matrix derivation
5. Representation of a point cloud: general analysis

a) Majorities
b) Definition of principal subspace
c) Cloud and centered variables
d) Research in the main spaces
e) Quality Indices
F) Major components and factors


Forms of instruction
The sessions are organized into lectures/tutorials. Each chapter refers to a theme or a specific problem encountered in economics or management science. The aim is to present the corresponding mathematical tool, through various applications.



M. Volle, Analyse des données, Economica, ||Patrick ROGER (2006), Mathématiques pour l’économie et la gestion, PEARSON Education, ||Alain PLANCHE (2003), Mathématiques pour économistes, 3ème édition, BUNOD, ||Jean-Pierre POSIERE, Mathématiques appliquées à la gestion, GUALINO EDITEUR, ||Saporta, Probabilités, Analyse des données et Statistique, Technip, ||Alain GASTINEAU, 500 exercices corrigés de mathématiques pour l'économie et la gestion, ECONOMICA, ||Jean de Lagarde, Introduction à l’analyse des données,