Code Cours
Language of instruction
Teaching content
Training officer(s)
Program year


At the end of the course, the student should be able to :
- Acquire the logics, methodologies, and techniques for managing human resources in international contexts (AACSB);
- Understand the common objectives and complementary functions in the use of HRM tools in organisations operating in an international context;
- Properly use the main methodologies related to every HR operational system and the implications deriving from worlwide operations in the management of HR;
- Comprehend the added value of managing properly HR diversity;
- Take decisions and provide solutions related to HR issues in accordance with deontological rules for a sustainable development of HR.
This course aims to transfer the main logics and methodologies of the principal HRM tools in an international context: Planning, recruitment and selection, training, appraisal systems, and compensation. The organisational development policies and practices are explained and discussed crosswise in relation to the development of each HRM tool. For all sessions, critical issues and problems related to the practical applications in the international context of the HR operational systems are identified and examined in order to enhance a pragmatic and ethical approach towards a sustainable development of HR.

Introduction. The meaning of human resources management, the areas of action, the complexities of HRM, the role of the HR functions, the required competencies. The HR policies. The complexity coming from an international context. Different approaches: HCN, PCN, TCN. Staffing international operations to sustain global growth. Planning the workforce between needs and constraints. The need of coherence with the planning of other resources. Internal and external factors. Dealing with diversity.

Recruiting and selecting staff for international assignments. The objectives of recruitment and selection. The markets: Internal, external and instantaneous. Job analysis and person specification. Tools for selection. The evaluation of the recruiting and selection process. Main issues when selecting in an international arena. Selecting people ethically and in the respect of diversity.
International Training the workforce. Types of training: Knowledge, practical and refreshing. Training and development. The phases of training.

Evaluating the international workforce. The ‘3P’ model: position, performance and person. The use of performance appraisal. Measuring performance: what, who and how? Measurement tools. The importance of the object Vs the magnitude of the process. Biases and stereotypes in assessing people.
Evaluation and development. International compensation. The retribution structure. Job versus individual pay. The compensation tools. Type of pay-for-performance plans. The benefit package. Compensation and development. International trends in HRM: Complexities, challenges and choices of the future. Gender discrimination in pay.

International career and policy management. Internationalisation of careers. Managing expatriates. Gender discrimination. Harmonisation of policies in international contexts. Return of expatriates. Dual career issues.

Presentation of guests and/or company visit.


Type Amount of time Comment
Cours interactif 32,00
Travail personnel
Charge de travail personnel indicative 4,00
Group Project 24,00
Recherche 10,00
Lecture du manuel de référence 30,00
Overall student workload 100,00
Each session is organised mixing theoretical contents with practical applications (e.g., case study, exercises, etc.). Students are encouraged to lead personal and team analysis and to develop critical thinking of the use of human resources operational systems in companies operating in international contexts. Special attention is given to ethical and CSR issues in the management of HR.
Assessment based on individual and team exercises, case studies and final examination.
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Projet Collectif 3,00 0 20,00
Examen (final)
Examen écrit 4,00 1 65,00
Contrôle continu
Participation 32,00 8 15,00
TOTAL 100,00


Dowling, Festing & Engle. International Human Resources Management. Thomson, 7th edition. -
Collection of articles selected by the professors and available on IESEG Online -