Network & System Base

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
Teaching content
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)
D.DELANNOY, H. Benhabiles
Program year


To follow this module, the student must know the basics of local networks (Ethernet, IP, static IP routing, TCP-UDP, DHCP, DNS, usual web application protocols, mail, ...).
Targeted skills : 32(322/323), 34(342/343), 43(431/432/433), 112(1122)

This module is a first implementation of local networks and linux systems. It takes up the notions cited in the prerequisites in scenarios intended to master the protocols and to identify the interactions between them. New concepts concerning the use of virtualization of linux machines are discussed.

The orientation is suitable for all engineering profiles in software development, big data, cyber security, connected objects domains.

At the end of the course, the student will:

- Know how to use a linux operating system in a virtualization environment
- Be able to configure the network interface of a machine on linux or Windows
- Know communication protocols and parameters
- Know how to present the mechanisms of communication
- Be able to define and implement experiments illustrating particular points of operation
- Be able to implement basic network equipment
- Know how to use a network traffic analysis tool
- Know how to reproduce and interpret the results of an experiment

The "hands-on" approach requires the acquisition of technical and transversal skills such as autonomy in understanding and learning, communication and restitution.
This module covers the following topics:

- The use of a virtualization environment such as VMware
- The functioning of the main network protocols
- The detailed analysis of protocols Ethernet, IP, TCP, UDP, ARP
- The implementation of IP routing and subnetting
- The DHCP Services configuration
- The network interface configuration
- The Service and application filtering
- The diagnosis of a malfunction with Wireshark


Type Amount of time Comment
Face to face
Lab 28,00
Independent study
Independent study 30,00
Overall student workload 58,00
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Continuous assessment
Oral 1,00 1 50,00
Final Exam
Exam (Quizz) 2,00 1 50,00
TOTAL 100,00
