Code Cours
Language of instruction
Teaching content
Training officer(s)
MSc in Accounting, Audit and Control
Program year


The course builds on the concepts and methods covered in a basic financial accounitng and auditing courses. Student should be familiar with basic financial statements, the accounting process and the systems of internal/external audits. Students should have general knowledge of project and risk management, the key business cycles and statistical analysis. The main objective is that students be able to analyze the risks and rewards of business scenarios from a variety of vantage points. .
On successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
*Predict how business and economic cycles could affect organizational strategy (AACSB AoL 5.A)
*Employ state of the art maangement techniques (AACSB AoL 5.C)
*Effectively apply in-depth specialized knowledge to take advantage of contemporary opportunities in their professional filed (AACSB AoL 7.C)
*Be a reference for expert related questions and ambiguities (AACSB AoL 7.D)
*Communicate and consult effectively with accounting preparers and decision-makers about the relevance, reliability and comprehensiveness of financial and non-financial data
*Interpret the impact of legal, political and economic environments for multinational companies’ decision-making and financial reporting requirements
*Master the techniques to perform internal audits in multinational firms This learning objective is assessed through a case study on internal control deficiencies
*Understand professional standards related to a variety of assurance engagements and the overall legal and regulatory enviornment of the audit process.
*Comprehend the intercetion of audit, accounting and finance.
*Identify potential ethical violations and relate those violations to specific ethical rules.
*Identify company business functions and explain the business risks associated with those functions.
*Distinguish business risks affecting information relevance and reliability from other business risks.
*Explain which internal controls can effectively mitigate information risks.
*Design assurance services procedures to gather evidence for specific management assertions about the reliability and relevance of identified information used for decision-making.
*Teamwork and communication within the operational audit function
This course is designed to provide studentts with an in-depth understanding of the role of the audit profession and how it is an integral part of organizational economics, efficiency and effectivenss of operations. The course is delivered from a case study based practitioner perspective. The module will cover the overall regulatory enviornment applicable to the operational audit function, the identification of risk and evaluation of internal controls. Further, the course will highlight the intercetion of the operational audit function with the accounting and finance diciplines and compare and contrast the operational audit funcation with financial and compliance audits


Type Amount of time Comment
Cours interactif 16,00
E-Learning 5,00
Lecture du manuel de référence 5,00
Travail personnel
Group Project 6,00
Individual Project 6,00
Charge de travail personnel indicative 12,00
Overall student workload 50,00
The overall assessment will comprise a series of in class group case studies with one case being presented by the group and an individual case study style project to be undertaken by students after completion of the 16 interactive class hours.
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Projet Collectif 2,00 1 40,00
Projet Individuel 3,00 1 60,00
TOTAL 100,00


All information concerning the course will be published on the course website (www.ieseg-online.com). -