Personal Data Security

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
Teaching content
Training officer(s)
C.CHAPELLE, B. Poidevin (Jurisexpert), D. Vigneron (Orange), F. Gaillard, M. Wileczek (Advens), N. Levain, S. Marchand (Advens), S. Meriot (OVH), Worldline
Program year


Skills expected : 31 (311/312), 32 (322), 33 (331/332), 110 (1102), 101 (1011)

The development of the means of communication has caused the dispersion of the data and has multiplied the use of these through the Internet.

Their uses have become daily, banal, diffuse, sly, no attention is generally brought to it. However, is there any way of knowing what they are becoming, to have a guarantee on their confidentiality

What about privacy data? They are used during a consultation on the internet, a purchase by credit card or fidelity card, and then stored in systems distributed on different continents. The French and European laws define a framework for their uses but are they sufficient to keep control and to avoid any diversion without the knowledge of the owners

This module is an extension of the security domain, including the risks related to personal data.

The orientation is suitable for the engineering profiles of the areas of software development, big data, cyber security, connected objects, business engineer, part management project allows to integrate managerial profiles.

At the end of the course, the student will:

- Understand the field of interactions between computing and personal data
- Understand the stakes involved in holding these data
- Be able to identify the risks associated with the ownership and processing of this data
- Know the laws governing the detention and processing of such data
- Be able to analyze a process involving personal data
- Know how to propose recommendations to reduce the risks of abusive use

The project approach requires the acquisition of technical and transversal skills such as the taking into account of a need, analysis, proposal of solutions and restitution.
This course provides answers on these points of vigilance.

This module covers the following topics:

- The means of data hosting and operation of data centers
- The challenges of cybercrime
- The identification and understanding of risks, particularly in connection with the use of the Internet and the means available to control personal data
- The understand of certain specific uses of the Internet such as that of a bank card
- The qualification of the possible diversions of a bank card
- The writing of a prevention document
- The recommendations of the means of counter attack
- The knowledge of the legal aspects governing the use of these data


Type Amount of time Comment
Face to face
Lectures - face to face 20,00
Independent study
Independent study 15,00
Overall student workload 35,00
