
Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)
Catherine DEDOURGE


To provide an introduction to Sociology via some essential themes. To help the student to analyse these issues.
Modern society perceived in its historical context
Max Weber's theories of modern wester society and points of view adopted by sociologists today
Norms and values, conformity, deviance and adaptation (Merton's and Durkheim's theories)
What is a social action?
The family - stability and change in the 20th century
The school as a social institution


Forms of instruction
2 hours per week



MANUELS ET OUVRAGES GENERAUX., • ARON R. Les étapes de la pensée sociologique. BBL Sciences Humaines Paris NRF 1967 , • BOUDON-BOURRICAUD Le Dictionnaire critique de la sociologie Paris P.U.F 1982 , • CUIN J-C GRESJE F. Histoire de la sociologie , II Depuis 1918 Paris la découverte coll Repères 1992 , • De COSTER M. Introduction à la sociologie Paris Bruxelles éd de Boeck université 5éd 2002. , • DURAND J.P et WEIL R. Sociologie contemporaine. Coll. Essentiel. Vigot 1993 , • FERREOL G-NOREK JP Introduction à la sociologie Cursus Armand Colin, • LALLEMENT M. Histoire des idées sociologiques tome 1 des origines à Weber Tome 2 de Parsons aux contemporains Paris éd Nathan 2000 , ,