Licence Techniques de communication


Etape de formation
Début des cours
Fin des cours
Crédits ECTS

  Cours Période Etablissement Prof. responsable Coef. Crédits
1 POLE 1 - Humanités et Société - UE 1 - 6.00
  General Knowledge S1 ISTC V.BUISINE - 1.00
  Knowledge of institutions S1 ISTC F.GHOUL - 1.00
  Projet Voltaire A ISTC O.GARNIER - 0.00
  Orthography speciality A ISTC B.AUBIN - 1.00
  Self-improvement A ISTC M.CLEMENT SENLIS - 1.00
  Civic Project (Conception) S1 ISTC V.ROUGEAU - 2.00
2 POLE 2 - Economie, Gestion - UE 2 - 3.00
  Microeconomy S1 ISTC C.NAPOLEON - 1.00
  Performances evaluation S1 ISTC L.ORIGI - 2.00
3 POLE 3 - Management - UE 3 - 2.00
  Introduction to Project Management S1 ISTC G.Druart - 1.00
  Introduction to management S1 ISTC G.Druart - 1.00
4 POLE 4 - Communication et Marketing - UE 4 - 8.00
  Oral Communication A ISTC V.DELFORGE - 1.00
  Marketing basics S1 ISTC G.Druart - 1.00
  Written Communication A ISTC BM.FLOUREZ - 1.00
  Speciality consumer pathway A ISTC G.Druart - 1.00
  Speciality Public relations A ISTC G.Druart - 1.00
  Information & communication theory A ISTC M.GHASSEMI - 2.00
5 POLE 5 - Culture digitale et outils numériques - UE 5 - 4.00
  Applied office tools to the professional world A ISTC C.QUICQ - 1.00
  Photo speciality A ISTC G.Druart - 1.00
  Digital environment S1 ISTC G.Druart - 1.00
  Applied Adobe to the professional world S1 ISTC MA.D'HULST - 1.00
6 POLE 6 - Langues - UE 6 - 8.00
  English (1st foreign language) A ISTC B.ROZPARA - 2.00
  German (2nd foreign language) A ISTC A.EL HADIYAN - 1.00
  Spanish (2nd foreign language) A ISTC D.Omari - 1.00
  Italian (3rd foreign language) A ISTC B.ROZPARA - 1.00
  LV3 Portugais A ISTC B.ROZPARA - 1.00
  Chinese (3rd foreign language) A ISTC B.ROZPARA - 1.00
  Dutch (3rd foreign language) A ISTC B.ROZPARA - 1.00
  Spanish (3rd foreign language) A ISTC B.ROZPARA - 1.00
  Spécialité English track A ISTC G.MONTALI - 1.00
  Spécialité English Talk A ISTC G.Druart - 1.00
  Business News A ISTC A.AUDUREAU - 1.00
7 POLE 7 - Employabilité - UE 7 - 3.00
  Sales technicals S1 ISTC JL.DEBUS - 1.00
  Art elective A ISTC G.Druart - 0.00
  Sport elective A ISTC G.Druart - 0.00
  School life elective A ISTC G.Druart - 0.00
  Employability A ISTC P.GROS - 1.00
  Communication Jobs S1 ISTC G.Druart - 1.00

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