Licence LLCER Anglais

3rd year undergraduate English and American Studies, 2022-2023, S5

Etape de formation
3rd year undergraduate English and American Studies, 2022-2023, S5
Crédits ECTS

  Cours Période Etablissement Prof. responsable Coef. Crédits
1 Licence 3 Langues, Civilisation Etrangère - Anglais, 2022-2023, S5 - 0.00
2 Licence 3 LCE Anglais - 60.00
3 Semestre 5 - 30.00
4 Bonus - 0.00
  IFP S5 S5 FLSH - 0.00
  Intermediaite Arabic 3 S5 FLSH - 0.00
  Intermediate Russian 3 S5 FLSH Lioudmila Cherenko - 0.00
  Modern language 2 : German 5 S5 FLSH - 0.00
  Modern Language 2 : Spanish 5 S5 FLSH Florentina Rodrigo Paredes - 0.00
  Intermediate Chinese 3 S5 FLSH - 0.00
  Teacher Training S5 FLSH - 0.00
  LV3 ITALIEN S5 S5 FLSH - 0.00
  American Cinema S5 FLSH Sina Vatanpour - 0.00
  English : Liaison Interpreting S5 FLSH Juliette Francois - 0.00
  Projet individuel de recherche S6 FLSH - 0.00
  Préparation TKT S5 FLSH - 0.00
5 UE18 - Langue 10,00 10.00
  Analytical Grammar S5 FLSH Rodica Calciu 3,00 3.00
  Public speaking S5 FLSH Martin Bray 1,00 1.00
  Advanced translation from French to English S5 FLSH Martin Bray 3,00 3.00
  Advanced Translation from English to French S5 FLSH Daniel Verheyde 3,00 3.00
6 UE20 - Options 26,00 4.00
  IFP S5 S5 FLSH 2,00 2.00
  Intermediaite Arabic 3 S5 FLSH 2,00 2.00
  Intermediate Russian 3 S5 FLSH Lioudmila Cherenko 2,00 2.00
  Modern language 2 : German 5 S5 FLSH 2,00 2.00
  Modern Language 2 : Spanish 5 S5 FLSH Florentina Rodrigo Paredes 2,00 2.00
  Introduction to Research S5 FLSH 1,00 1.00
  Intermediate Chinese 3 S5 FLSH 2,00 2.00
  Computer Studies S5 FLSH Christian Nicholls 2,00 2.00
  Teacher Training S5 FLSH 2,00 2.00
  LV3 ITALIEN S5 S5 FLSH 2,00 2.00
  American Cinema S5 FLSH Sina Vatanpour 2,00 2.00
  Linguistics and Didactics of French S5 FLSH Lucie Benagrouba 2,00 2.00
  Espagnol LV3 - Sem 5 S5 FLSH 2,00 2.00
  English : Liaison Interpreting S5 FLSH Juliette Francois 1,00 1.00
  Préparation TKT S5 FLSH 0.00
7 UE17 - Culture 10,00 10.00
  US Domestic Policy since 1945 S5 FLSH June Srichinda 2,50 2.00
  Literature : Advanced Shakespeare S5 FLSH Garrett EPP 2,50 2.00
  Doubling and Strangeness in short Victorian fiction S5 FLSH Nicholas MYERS 2,50 2.00
  British History : 1945 - 1990 S5 FLSH Suzanne Bray 2,50 2.00
8 UE19 - Compétences professionnelles - 6.00
9 Parcours A 6,00 6.00
  American Cinema S5 FLSH Sina Vatanpour 3,00 3.00
  English Didactics in Secondary Schools S5 FLSH clementine chatelard 3,00 3.00
10 Parcours C 6,00 6.00
  English : Liaison Interpreting S5 FLSH Juliette Francois 3,00 3.00
  Histoire des relations internationales S5 FLSH Mattéo Ferraro, Vivien LEMAIRE 3,00 3.00
11 Parcours B 12,00 12.00
  Linguistics and Didactics of French S5 FLSH Lucie Benagrouba 6,00 6.00
  French Didactics S5 FLSH 3,00 3.00
  English Didactics in Secondary Schools S5 FLSH clementine chatelard 3,00 3.00

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