Master in global and European Politics

ESPOL, Master 1 Global and European Politics, 2022-2023, S1

Etape de formation
ESPOL, Master 1 Global and European Politics, 2022-2023, S1
Crédits ECTS

  Cours Période Etablissement Prof. responsable Coef. Crédits
1 ESPOL, Master 1 Global and European Politics, 2022-2023, S1 - 0.00
2 Semestre 1 - 30.00
3 Cours obligatoires 18,00 18.00
  European History S1 ESPOL Victor FERNANDEZ SORIANO 6,00 6.00
  Global Governance S1 ESPOL Yalchin MAMMADOV 6,00 6.00
  European institutions and policies S1 ESPOL Oriane CALLIGARO 6,00 6.00
4 Cours optionnels et de Recherche - 7.00
5 Optional courses 12,00 4.00
  Comparative Politics M1 S1 ESPOL Félix Von Nostitz 4,00 4.00
  Introduction to Political Science S1 ESPOL Michael HOLMES 4,00 4.00
  International Relations S1 ESPOL Mayada MADBOULY 4,00 4.00
6 Research courses 3,00 3.00
  Workshop: Academic Writing S1 ESPOL Giulia SANDRI, Félix Von Nostitz, SABINE WEILAND, Camille KELBEL, Michael HOLMES 3,00 3.00
7 Professionnalisation et Langues - 5.00
8 Career Development 9,00 3.00
  The EU from a think tank's perspective S1 ESPOL Thierry Chopin 3,00 3.00
  Diplomacy in practice S1 ESPOL Johan VERBEKE 3,00 3.00
  Diplomacy in practice S1 ESPOL François-Xavier DENIAU 3,00 3.00
9 Languages - 2.00
10 Optional extra language course (non compulsory) - 0.00
11 Semestre 2 - 0.00

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