Licence Histoire

3rd year undergraduate History, 2023-2024, S6

Etape de formation
3rd year undergraduate History, 2023-2024, S6
Crédits ECTS

  Cours Période Etablissement Prof. responsable Coef. Crédits
1 Licence 3 Histoire, 2023-2024, S6 - 0.00
2 Licence 3 Histoire - 60.00
3 Semestre 6 - 30.00
4 UE 24 : langues et civilisations 6,00 6.00
  The United States since 1945 S6 FLSH Eulalie Billon 2,00 2.00
  Policy and society in North-East Asia S6 FLSH BARTHELEMY COURMONT 2,00 2.00
  History and the Climate S6 FLSH Jean Charles Desquiens, Lucas Thenard, Philippe DIEST 2,00 2.00
5 UE 23 : Histoire avant 1500 8,00 8.00
  Cultural History in the Middle Ages S6 FLSH Antoine Destemberg 4,00 4.00
  The Roman Empire from August to Commodius S6 FLSH Robert Ridao 4,00 4.00
6 UE 25 : orientation 3,00 2.00
  Museum and Heritage Studies S6 FLSH Aurélien NICOLE 1,00 1.00
  Preparation for a Teaching Career in History S6 FLSH Jérémy Hammerton 1,00 1.00
  Professional Guidance and Internships S6 FLSH Philippe DIEST 1,00 1.00
7 UE 22 : Histoire après 1500 8,00 8.00
  Revolutions,Republics and Citizenship 1789-1870 S6 FLSH Jérémy Hammerton 4,00 4.00
  Women and gender history in the 16th to 18th centuries S6 FLSH Sarah Dumortier 4,00 4.00
8 UE 26 : spécialisation - 6.00
9 Parcours géographie/environnements S6 6,00 6.00
  Inhabiting the world S6 FLSH Stephanie Leroux 3,00 3.00
  Geohistory S6 FLSH Lucas Thenard 2,00 2.00
  History and issues of Sustainable Development S6 FLSH Lorette Guibert 1,00 1.00
10 Parcours relations internationales/sciences politiques S6 6,00 6.00
  The World as seen by Le Monde S6 FLSH Loic Laroche 3,00 3.00
  The Brith of Modern Politics in Italy S6 FLSH Jerome Roudier 3,00 3.00
11 Parcours histoire des arts/archéologie S6 6,00 6.00
  Ancient Egypt in Museums, Architecture and Art S6 FLSH Thomas Gamelin 3,00 3.00
  Regional history mediation in the Middle Ages S6 FLSH Christelle LOUBET 3,00 3.00
12 Bonus - 0.00
  IFP S6 S6 FLSH - 0.00

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