Master Histoire - Relations internationales Sécurité et Défense

Master's 2 degree in History, International Relations, Security and Defence, 2023-2024, S3

Etape de formation
Master's 2 degree in History, International Relations, Security and Defence, 2023-2024, S3
Crédits ECTS

  Cours Période Etablissement Prof. responsable Coef. Crédits
1 Master 2 Histoire Relations Internationales Sécurité et Défense, 2023-2024, S3 - 0.00
2 Master Histoire Relations Internationales parcours Sécurité et Défense - 120.00
3 Master 2 RI- Sécurité de Défense - 60.00
4 Semestre 3 - 30.00
5 UE 10 : SPECIALITES 8,00 8.00
  Security studies in theory S3 FLSH BARTHELEMY COURMONT 2,00 2.00
  French defense Institutions S3 FLSH Emmanuel Dupuy 2,00 2.00
  Oceans and seas: New international security issues S3 FLSH Marianne PERON-DOISE 2,00 2.00
  European Defense Institutions S3 FLSH FABIO LIBERTI 2,00 2.00
6 UE 12 : STAGE 8,00 8.00
  Research methodology S4 FLSH BARTHELEMY COURMONT 0,00 0.00
  Intership S3 FLSH 8,00 8.00
7 UE 11 : LANGUES 6,00 2.00
  Russian S3 FLSH Lioudmila Cherenko 2,00 2.00
  Chinese S6 FLSH Mingdi Li 2,00 2.00
  Arabic S3 FLSH Saad Ellah Boughaba 2,00 2.00
  Cyberespace S3 FLSH Emmanuel Meneut 2,00 2.00
  Contemporary Security Issues S3 FLSH Tanguy Struye-De-Swielande 2,00 2.00
  Culture and International Relations S3 FLSH Emmanuel Lincot 2,00 2.00
  Contemporary issues in the Mediterranean S3 FLSH Emmanuel Dupuy 2,00 2.00
  Public Diplomacy S3 FLSH Olivier ARIFON 2,00 2.00
  Law and International Relations S3 FLSH ERWAN LANNON 2,00 2.00

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