Master Histoire - Relations internationales - Géopolitique

Master's 1 degree in History, International Relations, Geopolitics, 2023-2024, S1

Etape de formation
Master's 1 degree in History, International Relations, Geopolitics, 2023-2024, S1
Crédits ECTS

  Cours Période Etablissement Prof. responsable Coef. Crédits
1 Master 1 Histoire Relations Internationales Géopolitique, 2023-2024, S1 - 0.00
2 Master Histoire Relations Internationales parcours Géopolitique - 120.00
3 Master 1 Histoire RI-Géopolitique - 60.00
4 Semestre 1 - 30.00
5 UE 4 : MÉMOIRE 8,00 8.00
  Research project S1 FLSH 8,00 8.00
  Research Methodology S1 FLSH Xavier Auregan 0,00 0.00
6 UE 3 : LANGUES 6,00 2.00
  Chinese S1 FLSH Mingdi Li 2,00 2.00
  Arabic S1 FLSH Saad Ellah Boughaba 2,00 2.00
  Russian S1 FLSH Lioudmila Cherenko 2,00 2.00
  Geopolitics of the polar world S1 FLSH frédéric LASSERRE 2,00 2.00
  Intelligence stratégique S1 FLSH Emmanuel Meneut 2,00 2.00
  Sketches of Asia S1 FLSH Claude Leblanc 2,00 2.00
  Geopolitics of South Pacific S1 FLSH Bastien VANDENDYCK 2,00 2.00
  Introduction to Southeast Asia S1 FLSH ERIC MOTTET, BARTHELEMY COURMONT 2,00 2.00
  Geopolitics of the Middle East S1 FLSH Saad Ellah Boughaba 2,00 2.00
8 UE 2 : SPECIALITES 8,00 8.00
  Geopolitics of Central Asia S1 FLSH Emmanuel Lincot 2,00 2.00
  Géopolitique des Religions S1 FLSH jeremy jammes 2,00 2.00
  Epistemology and Geopolitical Concepts S1 FLSH Xavier Auregan 2,00 2.00
  Cartography and geopolitics S1 FLSH Xavier Auregan 2,00 2.00

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