Licence Métiers du Journalisme

Licence 1 Métiers du Journalisme, 2023-2024, S1

Etape de formation
Licence 1 Métiers du Journalisme, 2023-2024, S1
Crédits ECTS

  Cours Période Etablissement Prof. responsable Coef. Crédits
1 Licence 1 Métiers du Journalisme, 2023-2024, S1 - 0.00
2 Etape 1 8,00 14.00
  Introduction to radio journalism S1 FLSH Olivier DESCAMPS 2,00 2.00
  General culture questions S1 FLSH Thomas Rolnik 4,00 4.00
  Introduction to information and communication science S1 FLSH Nozha Smati 2,00 2.00
3 Etape 1 12,00 24.00
  History of political ideas S1 FLSH Jerome Roudier 4,00 4.00
  History of France, from the beginning to the french Revolution S1 FLSH Amirpasha Tavakkoli 4,00 4.00
  History of communications' sciences and technology S1 FLSH Maelle Levacher 4,00 4.00
4 Etape 1 10,00 19.00
  Software and web S1 FLSH Sebastien Devos 1,00 1.00
  Spoken english S1 FLSH Christopher Kinsella 3,00 3.00
  Written english S1 FLSH Christopher Davis 3,00 3.00
  Methodology and French language S1 FLSH Maelle Levacher 3,00 3.00

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