Bachelor in management

Program type
First Degree
Admission mode
file + interview
Admission level
High School Diploma in Litterature
Higher Education Programme (1 year)
2nd Year of Bachelor Program
High School Diploma in Sciences
High School Diploma in Economics & Social Sciences
Vocational High-School Diploma
Higher Education Programme (2 years)
Business - Economics - Management
Economics / Administration
Human resources
Marketing / Sales
Teaching method
Bachelor's Degree
Teaching language
ECTS Credits
Hourly volume
1423 h
6 semestres



Prepares students for a Master specialising in management, finance, banking, administration, international management, marketing, communication OR higher business and administration schools.


- Possibility of a Year Abroad program in second or third year.
- Internship each year

Continuation of study

The Masters offered at the FGES: Management of
Companies, Master International Management, Master
Digital Commerce, Master Management des Banques
& Financial Institutions, Master of Corporate Finance
and Markets, Master in Law & Wealth Management
Master in Corporate Management
Master specialized in a field of the Company:
Human Resources, Marketing, Logistics,
Shopping, Banking, Banking...
At the FGES, in another faculty, an IAE, a school
of trade

Teaching officer

Management, project management, management auditing, finance, auditing, marketing, communication, setting up companies, import-export

Diplôme préparé et conditions d'obtention du diplôme

Licence Droit Economie Gestion
Mention Economie et Gestion
Licence Gestion
Parcours Economie et Management en L1
Parcours Economie et Management des entreprises en L2
possibilité de parcours Prépa Grandes Ecoles de Commerce

Diplôme en convention avec l'Université de Lille


Les études se déroulent sur 6 semestres, dont une année possible à l'étranger en seconde ou en 3e année de Licence.

Licence 3 Gestion, 2023-2024, S5
Licence 3 Gestion option santé , 2023-2024, S6
Licence 3 Gestion, 2023-2024, S6
Licence 2 Gestion, 2023-2024, S4
Licence 2 Gestion, 2023-2024, S3
Licence 3 Gestion option santé , 2023-2024, S5
Licence 2 Gestion option santé , 2023-2024, S4


Admission condition

For License 1 integration:
High school students preparing a general baccalaureate.
Specialty «Mathematics» in 1st vividly
advised - specialty «SES» advised in 1st
and senior year.
STMG high school students can also
apply if they have a very good record.
For License 2 or 3 integration:
Students in L1 or L2 Economics, Management
(or equivalent diplomas); BTS CG, MCO, ACSE,

Admission modality

Application can be down on
- Parcours Sup
More information :

Annual cost

- Application fee: 85€
- Degree course : between 5035€ and 8535€

For information about grants and financial aid or any questions relating to registration, consult the website

Informations non contractuelles et pouvant être soumises à modification