Master in global and European Politics

Program type
First Degree
Admission mode
Admission level
Bachelors Degree
Higher Education Programme (3 years)
Animation - Social
Information - Communication
Politic science
International relations
Teaching method
Master's Degree
Teaching language
ECTS Credits
Hourly volume
416 h
4 semestres



The master’s degree in Global and European Studies is an advanced postgraduate degree focussing on the political, economic, social-ecological and cultural processes regulating contemporary societies in a globalised world. The global and regional levels are the stages at which major political challenges play out: migrations, transnational armed conflicts, environmental degradation and climate change, organized criminality, global inequalities or poverty among others.

Understanding today’s world therefore means analysing the multi-level interaction between public (States, international organizations, etc.) and private actors (companies, networks, NGOs, etc.). These interactions are places of constant struggle for the redefinition of the rules of the game of world politics.

This degree in Global and European Studies provides students with a thorough knowledge of the formal and informal rules of global and European politics and conflicts that shape it, but also the necessary know-how and the conceptual tools to understand, analyse and act on the world of tomorrow. Drawing on the latest developments in International Relations, Comparative Politics, Economic Governance, and Global History, among others, as well as in-depth methodological training, career development, and intensive language modules, the study programme prepares students in developing innovative policies for the public and private sector, at local, national, and international level, to govern societies in rapidly changing world.


Advanced Knowledge in Policy-making
Key areas expertise
Career-oriented skills

Teaching officer
JOHANNES KARREMANS, Professor of Political Science

International Institutions, NGO's, Think Tanks...

Diplôme préparé et conditions d'obtention du diplôme

Master Droit, Economie, Gestion
Mention Etudes Européennes et Internationales
Parcours Les politiques pour le monde de demain / Politics for the world of tomorrow

Diplôme délivré par jury rectoral


ESPOL, Master 1 Global and European Politics, 2023-2024, S1
ESPOL, Master 2 Global and European Politics , 2023-2024, S3
ESPOL, Master 2 Global and European Politics , 2023-2024, S4


Admission condition

To be eligible for admission, students are required to submit: An undergraduate level degree (180 ECTS or equivalent) at the time of entry to ESPOL. In principle, the ESPOL master is open to all disciplinary backgrounds but previous courses in political sciences will be appreciated. Additional classes can be imposed for students without political science background.

Annual cost

Bachelor's and Master's fees are calculated depending on revenue and household composition.

You can immediatly estimate your fees online :

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