Masters in international management

Program type
First Degree
Part-time Training
Admission mode
Admission level
Bachelors Degree
Higher Education Programme (4 years)
Business - Economics - Management
Economics / Administration
Marketing / Sales
Teaching method
Master's Degree
Teaching language
ECTS Credits
Hourly volume
755 h
4 semestres



Is it the right program for you?
Yes, if you wish to work in an international environment and if you have a background in Management or Economics.
In the context of growing globalization, businesses are looking for employees who can do more than one job and are open to the world. Our goal: prepare you to accompany businesses in their international development with a sound understanding of cultural differences and their importance in selling, buying, transporting or financing

- First year : Courses taught 100% in English
- Second year : Courses taught 100% in English


- Acquiring a global strategic vision
- Understanding the environment of the supply chain
- Acquiring a global strategic vision



Teaching officer

- International buyer
- International Manager
- Purchasing Manager
- Sales Support Coordinator
- Export Manager
- Global sourcing project manager
- Project Analyst

Diplôme préparé et conditions d'obtention du diplôme

Master Droit Economie Gestion
Mention Management et Commerce international
Parcours Commerce et Management des affaires internationales / International Management

Diplôme en convention avec l'Université de Lille

alternance en M2


First year : September to March : Courses // April to July : Internship
Second year : - September to May : Part-time training period _ Part-time at the University // May to July : Intership
- September to May : Courses // May to July : Work contract

Master 1 International Management, 2023-2024, S2
Master 2 International Management, 2023-2024, S3
Master 2 International Management, 2023-2024, S4


Admission condition

•To be eligible for admission in first year of master’s degree International Management you must hold a Bachelor’s degree (180 ECTS) or an equivalent academic degree. You preferably have a major (or a minor) in Economics or Management. You must have a good command of French/English (B2 level)*.
•To be eligible for admission in second year of master’s degree International Management you must hold a four-year degree or equivalent (240 ECTS credits: 4-year bachelor; 3-year bachelor plus 1 year of master’s degree or an equivalent academic level). You must have a major (or a minor under some conditions) in Economics or Management. You must have a good command of English (B2 level: BULATS B2; TOIEC 750; TOEFL TIB 87; TOEFL CBT 177; TOEFL PBT 503; IELTS 5.5…)*.

Informations non contractuelles et pouvant être soumises à modification