The Institut Catholique de Lille is structured around two major areas of activity:
- Higher Education and Research, EESPIG qualification
- Social Health sector, with the 3 hospitals of the Groupement Hospitalier de l’ICL (Hospital Group of the ICL – GHICL), with an ESPIC qualification: the Association Centre Féron-Vrau, a medical-social ensemble consisting of 5 nursing homes, and the Etienne Leclercq Institute (DITEP)


Patrick Scauflaire, Rector of the Institut Catholique de Lille
Rector since 2020
Patrick Scauflaire, a scientific and industrial career marked by the international dimension
Patrick Scauflaire graduated from the Ecole Polytechnique in 1984 and the Ecole des Mines de Paris (option Engineering of processes) in 1986. He started his career as a process engineer in the technical direction of the Solvay Group in Belgium. In 1989, he continued his professional career as a manufacturing and project engineer in Brazil. He returned to France in 1995, where he became production director in Moselle.
In 2001, Patrick Scauflaire joined the BP Chemicals group in Brussels as Business Technology Manager. In 2003, he obtained new responsibilities as Strategy Manager and then Director of Research and Technology of Europe at the BP Chemicals headquarters in London.
An experience of the associative world and higher education
Patrick Scauflaire then chose a social orientation by joining the Fondation Apprentis d’Auteuil (Foundation Apprentices in Auteuil) in 2005. In 2006, he was appointed Deputy General Director for Institutions and Projects.
In 2015, he took over the direction of the ICAM (Institut Catholique des Arts et Métiers, Catholic Institute of Arts and Crafts) of Lille, which is part of the Université Catholique de Lille. He completed his executive MBA education at HEC in 2016.
Multiple commitments
Patrick Scauflaire became a permanent deacon of the Catholic Church in 2002 with a canonical licentiate from the Institut Catholique de Paris. He advises a team of Christian entrepreneurs and leaders.
Patrick Scauflaire has chaired the board of the Conférence Régionale des Grandes Écoles (Regional Conference of Grandes Écoles) and the Centre de Formation par Apprentissage (Center for Learning through Apprenticeship) FormaSub. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the ACSC (Association des Cités du Secours Catholique – Cities Association of the Catholic Relief) and of the UNIOPSS (Union Nationale Interfédérale des Œuvres et Organismes Privés non lucratifs Sanitaires et Sociaux – National Interstate Union of Charities and Private Health and Social Charity Organizations).
From 2020 to 2024, he has chaired the UDESCA (Union des Etablissements d’Enseignement Supérieur Catholique – Union of Catholic Higher Education Institutions).

Christophe Ribault, President of the Board of Directors
President of the Board of Directors since 2021
Christophe Ribault, a journey in Retail/Service, international, at the service of the Territory.
In 1980, Christophe Ribault started his career at Decathlon. He then continued at Promod as sales director in France and Europe from 1986 to 1997. He then joined Norauto in 1997 to launch the Argentine subsidiary, where he remained for 5 years. In France in 2001, he became the International Director of Norauto and then the President of the Board of the Norauto Group, which became Mobivia, until 2016.
In parallel, Christophe Ribault joined the Board of Directors of Leroy Merlin, where he remained for around ten years. He then became the President of Saint Maclou from 2008 to 2021.
He also wanted to open himself to territorial missions, and in 2017, he became an elected member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Grand Lille and Hauts-de-France. In that capacity, he was President of Lille’s Agency (Economic Agency of the MEL) until 2020. He then joined the Attractiveness Agency Hello Lille, which he has chaired since 2021, and the Board of Directors of the NFI (the Agency of Investment of the Region Hauts-de-France) since 2020.
Finally, Christophe Ribault joined the Board of Administration and the Institut Catholique de Lille Higher Education and Research Commission in 2019. He was elected President of the Board of Administration in September 2021.
President-Rector, Patrick SCAUFLAIRE
President-Rector delegated to Humanities and Student Life, P. Thierry MAGNIN
President-Rector delegated to Social Health, Thérèse LEBRUN
Vice-President, Vice-Rector Research, and Vice-Rector of Social Health, Nicolas VAILLANT
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Student Life, Catherine DEMAREY
Vice-Rector for International Development, Ioannis PANOUSSIS
General Director of Development and Strategy, Jean-Marc ASSIÉ
General Director of Services, Bertrand LÉDÉE
Cabinet Director, Serge HOLVOET
General Secretary for the Instances, Denis VINCKIER
General Delegate for Companies and Partnerships & the Fondation de la Catho, Didier PEILLON
The instances
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors embodies the ICL and has all management and representation powers for this purpose, and in particular:
- The budget vote and accounts approval of the last fiscal year
- The acceptance of donations and legacies strained by costs
- The acquisition, alienation, or exchange of real estate
- The use of loans and the creation of real estate securities
- The long-term lease or rental of buildings
It meets 5 times a year, each assembly being preceded by commissions and a committee that examines the projects requiring deliberation:
- A Higher Education and Research Commission (ESR)
- A Health Commission
- An Audit / Finance Committee