LILLE Winter Program FAQ

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Conditions for participation

The LILLE Winter participants are usually around 18-20. The program also accepts people who have already graduated and/or are not students anymore if they wish to study in France.

In order to be eligible for the LILLE Winter Program, you must have completed your secondary education (meaning at least a high school level). As well, students wishing to be part of the program must be registered in some type of higher education program or associated with a study abroad center, whether connected to the Université Catholique de Lille or not.

For more information about criteria, check with your school’s international office or your study abroad coordinator.

Yes, our program is designed for students interested in the French language whether they have studied French before or not.

French classes are organized so that students of all levels can learn French at their own pace and comfort level. However, please note that all French classes are taught entirely in French, using the immersive learning approach. This can be intimidating at first, but it is recognized as one of the most effective methods for learning a foreign language.

All information and support about the program (organization, schedule, meeting place, orientation…) is given in English. If students prefer information to be given in French, this can be organized as well.

Once you have finalized and submitted your online application form, within one week you will receive an email that gives you payment instructions. You need to connect back to the application platform and complete online payment via our secured partner platform called Monetico. Payment has to be made by credit card (Visa or Mastercard). Only after the payment has been processed, your invitation letter will become available in your application. In case of a failure to complete online payment, an international wire transfer is possible – please contact the International Office for more details at

Full payment must be made by the respective registration deadline set due to December 2nd. The International Relations Office may decide to extend the deadline. If so, the relevant update will appear on the website and the registered participants will be notified.

For more information, please check our terms and conditions below.

Preparing your stay

Although the main university building is famous for its 19th century neo-gothic architecture, it is accessible for those with special needs. However, we would ask that you advise us on your application of any such needs so that we can prepare your stay and provide you with the best possible service. Kindly note that any special educational needs can be accommodated only after receiving the official disability documentation from the doctor/university.

Most students will not need any visa to take part in the LILLE Winter Program, given that their stay will be shorter than 90 days. The government of France has a useful website regarding frequently asked questions about visas. Please check THIS LINK to see if you need a visa for your stay.

For more information, you are strongly advised to check with your university’s study abroad office, your study abroad coordinator, or even the French Embassy’s website in your home country or your home country’s consulate website.

The invitation letter, required for visa application, will be available in your account soon after the program payment is completed. It contains all the necessary information related to the duration of the stay, hosting institution, and a place of accommodation.

You will need to bring your passport with you any time you leave France, which includes our various field trips into Belgium. It might be a good idea to carry your passport with you on other extended trips as well, in case you need to prove your identity. However, for most purposes you could use a photocopy of your passport; you should make copies both of the main page with your photo and of your visa if you have one, and keep these with you when you travel. Always keep your passport safe!

Please note that your passport must be valid for a minimum of six months when you enter France, and for an additional three months beyond your planned date of departure and your return home.

January is typically the coldest month in Lille, with a maritime climate that brings changeable weather. You can expect both sunny and rainy days, along with the possibility of snow, although heavy snowfall is uncommon. Daytime temperatures generally hover around 6°C (43°F), while nighttime temperatures can drop to 2°C (36°F).

Given the cold and variable conditions, it’s best to dress in layers. Bring warm clothing like sweaters, coats, scarves, and gloves, along with waterproof footwear and a rain jacket or travel umbrella for wet days. Of course, you can buy all of this in Lille too (malls, famous brand shops, budget shops)!

France and Europe have a lot of tourist sites that you will visit (during the fieldtrips or on the weekends) where comfortable walking shoes are essential. Please see the “Travel Tips” section as well.

  • PACK LIGHTLY! You can buy anything in Lille. There are malls, a large shopping area, and some budget shops. So, if there are things that you can’t put in your suitcase, you can buy them in Lille. As you’ll be sharing the hotel room with another student, please pack accordingly; the room space is limited.
  • Check your airline’s website to see what the regulations are about how much luggage you are allowed.

  • Once you’ve packed, make a list of what you packed and write a description of your luggage. Put that information in your carry-on bag in case your luggage doesn’t arrive with you.

  • Carry-on bag for the plane: pack extra layers, a book, your travel journal, cards, music, snacks, any medication you’ll be taking while overseas, tissues, set of underwear, a tee-shirt and a toothbrush (in case your luggage goes astray). Photocopy both sides of your credit and ATM cards, driver’s license, and passport – leave a copy at home and pack another copy in your carry-on bag. Do NOT pack liquids over 3 oz. Make sure you have the LILLE Winter emergency phone number, university’s address, and instructions handy so that you find them easily on arrival.

  • You may want to bring at least one dressy outfit for receptions in Lille.

  • Bring comfortable shoes. Visiting France’s and Europe’s monuments, museums, and cities means a lot of walking, especially over cobblestones. A good pair of closed-toe, comfortable shoes is recommended.

  • Bring rain gear or an umbrella.

  • Bring an extra pair of glasses or contact lenses, if you wear them.

  • You will also need an electric outlet converter plug suitable for France (and any countries that you may be visiting outside the program).

  • Prescription medication. Bring enough for your entire stay in Europe. Keep medication in the original, labelled container. Know the generic name of your prescription medication, and bring a written prescription from your doctor. (You will not be able to get it dispensed in Europe, but – if necessary – you can use your prescription to inform a doctor as to what you need.)

  • Pillows, bed linens, blankets and towels will be provided by hotels. Washcloths and other household items are available for good prices at the Sunday market in Lille.

  • Books are heavy. All course materials will be given in class. Students have access to the university library. Books in English can be found in one of these book stores in Lille: “Le Furet du Nord”.

The table below aims to help you budget your costs for participating in the LILLE Winter Program.


Tuition Fees*:

Includes Class teaching and assessment, a Student Card, access to the University Wi-Fi network, all course materials, an official Summer Program Certificate, an Academic Transcript in ECTS format.

Hospitality Fee*:


– Accommodation in a hotel near campus (double occupancy, 2 twin beds per hotel room, ensuite bathroom), with hotel breakfast provided from Monday to Friday.

– Meal card with 60 euros credit for use at the university cafeteria from Monday to Friday.

– Free Access to Local Public Transportation with unlimited monthly pass.

– Fieldtrips and entrance to Museums according to the program.

– Cultural and Social Program, a full Program of Orientation.

– A pick-up service, campus and city tour, and 24/7 emergency phone to contact the International Office’s team member.

Living Costs:

Dinners and food during week-ends, school supplies, personal expenses (150 euros for meals and food on weekends can be budgeted). Personal expenses will then obviously vary from one student to another.

Mandatory Health Insurance Coverage:

International Health Insurance is mandatory for students taking part in the LILLE Winter Program. Please make sure to obtain it whether through your home university, or on your own prior to arrival.

Passport (and Visa if required)

Travel to and from the country of origin

Transportation from the airport to the University

*  included in the cost of the program

That is up to you, although we do not advise that you carry large amounts of cash with you at any time (no more than 50 euros at one time is necessary). ATMs (and banks) are plentiful, and major credit cards are widely accepted (although cards without chips may not work for some automated transactions). Some students pick up their first euros from an ATM (called a distributeur in France) only after arrival at the airport.

Do not bring any bills larger than 50€ – it will be very difficult to change, and many stores will not accept bills of 100€ or larger. Nor are traveller’s cheques recommended, since cashing these generally require a visit to a bank during school hours.

We do recommend bringing a valid credit card (preferably one with a chip) and – both for day-to-day transactions and for cash withdrawals – an ATM debit card, ideally one with Visa or MasterCard logo on it. (Also, bring an extra card with you, if possible).

You may choose to look into the option of an international card, such as those offered by Revolut and Wise. They are widely accepted in France, as well as other neighbouring European countries.

If you are from a partner university, you will receive a discount on our usual price, so check with your Study Abroad office. If you are not part of a partner university, you can contact your Study Abroad office or the French embassy in your country to ask for advice.

Credits and courses

Participating in the LILLE Winter Program will allow students transferable ECTS credits to include in their university career if they wish. Information about syllabi and credits is available on this website. Upon a successful completion of the program, official copies of transcripts will be sent directly to the partner universities. Other students not coming through the partnership will receive them individually.

Transfer of ECTS credits to the student’s home university differs from one country to another and sometimes from one university to another, regarding how many credits they will give for the different courses taken, what documentation they need, etc.

Therefore, students should check with their academic advisors or the Study Abroad office for more information about the credit transfer process for ECTS credits at their home university.

The LILLE Programs team is available to provide information that the home university needs in this respect.

Please refer to the LILLE Winter Program’s Draft Schedule for more detailed information. Note the calendar is subject to change prior to the start of the program. Classes usually last up to three hours. There will be short breaks during each session. The teaching method is more lecture type discussion than seminar in style.

Please refer to the LILLE Winter’s Program Draft Schedule for more detailed information. Note the calendar is subject to change prior to the start of the program.

IMPORTANT: This information is provided as an example to help students get an idea of the overall schedule, and is not guaranteed. A more complete schedule will be provided 2 weeks before the start of the program, and the final schedule with room numbers will be given to students during orientation. Students are strongly advised to wait until they get the final schedule before making weekend travel arrangements.

All events outlined in the calendar, except for optional Fromelles weekend field trip, are mandatory for attending. The International Office will keep a record of attendance on a daily basis.

The International Office offers a dedicated Buddy System for LILLE Winter program participants to connect with other students. During registration, participants will have the option to indicate their interest in joining the Buddy Program. Before the program begins, each participant will be paired with either a French or international student currently studying at UCLille. This pairing provides an opportunity to organize outings together, explore French culture, and share personal experiences. Buddies will also be invited to the networking events included in the LILLE Winter Program’s Draft Calendar.

Please note that the availability of the Buddy System may be a subject to change depending on the number of LILLE Winter and UCLille students who sign up.

Yes, attendance is compulsory. As outlined in the courses’ syllabi, the attendance and participation are important components of the overall grade.

Some absences can be excused, under specific conditions. The rules are laid out in the LILLE Programs Regulations document (downloadable on the LILLE Winter Program webpage and application platform in the section “Downloadable documents”), which all participants must read and accept during the online registration process.

First, a hangover does not count as being sick. Be responsible. Second, the consumption of alcohol (and illegal drugs, obviously) is prohibited in all of the residences used for the program, and the abuse of alcohol cannot be tolerated at any point. Rules about such matters are covered in the LILLE Programs Standards of Conduct document (downloadable on the LILLE Winter webpage), which all participants must sign at the beginning of the program.

Yes, France is known for its wine, and this particular region, like Belgium, is known for its beer. However, the beer can be far stronger than is usual in other places; it requires caution. Please remember that, while we want everyone to enjoy the program, and to discover local culture, you are here primarily to learn.

Read the LILLE Programs Regulations and Standards of Conduct below carefully. All participants must read and adhere to these.

Daily life

You will be allocated to a hotel near campus. All of you will have rooms with double occupancy and ensuite bathrooms. The hotel service provides a pillow, set of bedsheets, a blanket per each participant. The cleaning service is included to ensure the bedding is changed regularly. However, it will remain the responsibility of students to maintain the rooms cleaned on a daily basis.

Hotels don’t provide laundry service, but there are several laundry services available nearby. More details about the hotel, its rules and regulations, provided commodities and services will be given during the detailed hotel information session upon arrival.

All students will be asked to indicate their roommate preference, and the allocation per room will be made based on the indicated preference and/or the afternoon course choice and home university. Students from the same home university are usually placed together.

In Europe, to make international calls: 00 + country code + your number.

To check about international calling codes, you may refer to this website:

– During office hours and depending on time zones, a phone will be available in the International Office. If your family wants to contact you in an emergency or if you set a phone appointment with them, they can just call our office (the number will be given to the enrolled students).

– Cell phone: the country code for calling a French (cell) phone is +33

The International Office team puts in measure a 24/7 emergency phone number, which will be communicated to students before their arrival. This means that in the case of an emergency, a member of the team will be available to aid you.

We recommend purchasing a French SIM Card upon arrival in Lille. For between 10 and 20 euros, you can purchase a no-contract, one-month SIM card from the company Free, a popular telephone company in France. Click HERE to find out more information and to see locations in Lille where you can buy a SIM.

Some courses may require the use of a computer to do some research on the internet or prepare reports or oral presentations. We strongly recommend that you bring your laptop.


A printer is available in the International Office. Information and advice will be given on arrival. Please be aware that in France, computers have “AZERTY” keyboards (not “QWERTY”) and they are mostly PC and not Mac computers.


The main university building has wireless connections and you will be given access.

The main university building has wireless connections and you will be given access. The hotel has wireless internet access.

Arrival & departure information

The first day of the program is dedicated entirely to arrivals, please check the LILLE Winter Draft Calendar. Once the application is verified and program fees are paid, students receive a detailed email outlining the organization of arrival day, how to get to the Lille Europe Train station, and where to meet the International Office’s team.


Members of the International Office will meet you at Lille Europe station from 11am to 5.30pm. The designated Meeting Point is on the main station concourse (one level above platform level) near the Paul, in the middle of the station. (There is an online map of the station, which you might find useful.)

Please note that there are 2 stations in Lille: Lille Europe and Lille Flandres. They are quite close to each other, so if you should arrive at Lille Flandres, please make your way to Lille Europe (just a 6-minute walk).

The members of International Office will take you to your hotel where you will be able to settle in. If you are planning to arrive before 11am or after 5.30pm, the team will not be at the station; please contact us at least 2 weeks before your arrival so that arrangements can be made.

We will send you an email shortly before your arrival detailing all of this information, which you may want to print and bring with you.

To get to Lille, you can either choose to come through Paris-Roissy Charles de Gaulle, Brussels, or London. From these airports, it is very easy to come to Lille as we are very well-served by trains, and these 3 airports have train stations on the spot: (Other points of entry such as Amsterdam are also possible, but perhaps less convenient – check with us if you are not certain of your options.)


At Paris-Charles de Gaulle,

To get to Lille-Europe station, you will have to take a TGV (Train à Grande Vitesse = high speed train) operated by SNCF (the name of the national railway company). The train station is inside the airport. Just follow the signs for “gare TGV” or “gare SNCF”. Depending on which terminal you will get to, you may have to take the free shuttle to get to the station; the signs for “gare TGV” will guide you to the shuttle and then to the station.

The service from Paris-Roissy Charles de Gaulle airport to Lille is every hour during the day and the journey takes about an hour.

Buying a ticket in advance is usually cheaper, it is best to allow for 2-3 hours after your arrival time in order to allow for delays in passing passport control, baggage claim, or customs.  Tickets will range from 25€ to 65€ depending on time and class of service.


Useful websites:

– the website of Paris-Roissy Charles de Gaulle airport is very well done. For instance, you can find maps of the terminals if you want to know where you land and where the station is. So please don’t hesitate to consult it.   

– the national railway company (SNCF) has a website on which you can consult train hours and prices.

– You also can use the OUIGO trains.


At Brussels

Take a regional train (City-Airport-Express) to get to Brussels-Midi station (or you can take a taxi). From there a Eurostar train or a TGV will take you directly to Lille-Europe station in 38 minutes.

All details can be found on this page: HTTP://WWW.BRUSSELSAIRPORT.BE/EN/


At London

Take the Eurostar to get to Lille Europe Station. Advanced booking on the Eurostar is strongly advised. 

More information will be available in May

Arrivals are planned on the day before the first day of the program: check the LILLE Winter Draft Calendar. PLEASE DO NOT COME DIRECT TO THE UNIVERSITY! Members of the International Office will meet you at Lille Europe station from 11am to 5.30pm as explained in the section “When should I arrive in Lille?”.


However, in case of unforeseen problems, it might be useful to know about transportation options within Lille.


By metro: From Lille Flandres or Lille Europe station, take metro line 2, direction Saint-Philibert. Stop at Cormontaigne and walk for ten minutes east along Boulevard Vauban.


From Lille Flandres or Lille Europe; take the L5 bus in the direction of Haubourdin le Parc to the bus stop Université Catholique.


By taxi: Taxis are available at Lille Flandres Station; the ride to the campus takes around 15min and the cost is between 12€ and 15€. You can also order an Uber.



If you plan to arrive earlier than the official arrival day, just before the first day of classes, you will need to book your accommodation privately. However, you should still plan to meet the ESP team at the Lille Europe train station.

Youth Hostels:

Auberge de Jeunesse
12 Rue Malpart
59000 Lille
Tel. +33 3 20570894
Fax. +33 3 20639893

The People Hostel (formerly Gastama) 
109, rue de Saint André, 59000 Lille
59000 Lille
Tel : 00 33 (0)3 20 06 06 80

In order to allow yourself time to pack, get ready, and get to the airport in a reasonable time, we strongly recommend that your return flight is scheduled no sooner than the afternoon of the day following the end of the program. Accommodation will be available for one night after the official end of the program: check LILLE Winter Draft Calendar for the departure day.

Useful documents