The Université Catholique de Lille has several health and social care institutions.
This network is committed to providing quality support and treatment to patients with a focus on care.
The GHICL (Grouping of the Institut Catholique de Lille Hospitals)
The GHICL (Groupement des Hôpitaux de l’Institut Catholique de Lille) is an indispensable health actor in the Hauts-de-France region (2000 beds and places).
It offers a wide range of medical services ranging from general medicine to advanced specialties. With its modern infrastructure, it offers quality care courses for all patients. The GHICL is heavily engaged in medical research and actively participates in social and community initiatives.
• Hôpital Saint-Philibert
• Hôpital Saint-Vincent de Paul
• Clinique Sainte-Marie
• HAD Synergie (Home Hospitalization)

Centre Feron-Vrau
The Centre Feron-Vrau helps the elderly in their home or in special accommodations in five specialized medical institutions (nursing homes) at the same time as it supports family caregivers through dedicated structures. The teams aim to maintain a balance between the human and medical aspects in all their activities.
• Ehpad Saint-Antoine de Padoue
• Ehpad Saint-François de Sales
• Ehpad Notre-Dame de l’Accueil
• Ehpad Notre-Dame de Boulogne
• Ehpad La Sainte Famille
• Maison des Aidants (Helpers House)
Institut Étienne Leclercq (IEL)
The Dispositif Institut Thérapeutique Éducatif et Pédagogique (DITEP – Therapeutical Educative and Pedagogical Institute Plan) receives children with mental health issues, sent from the maison départementale des personnes handicapées (MDPH – Departmental House for the Disabled.) It offers various forms of support, from outpatient care to full-time hospital stay during the week, according to the age of the children. The DITEP combines an educational, therapeutical and pedagogical approach with classroom activities, educational support and medical interventions. It supports children in their life projects in partnership with various institutions.

Situated at the foot of the metro and in the immediate vicinity of a hospital, this 15-hectare district brings together all kinds of human activities: housing, businesses, shops and services, health, medical and social services, university and cultural activities.
Humanicité is a truly multi-disciplinary urban development centre led by Lille Métropole, the Institut Catholique de Lille and the municipalities of Lomme and Capinghem. All the players in this sustainable, intense and solidarity-based neighbourhood in the making are called upon to invent a rewarding way of living together.
Humanicité, a neighbourhood of services, health and social care facilities, schools, housing, etc.
The Université Catholique de Lille has contributed its expertise as a planner for this area, imagining a site where urban planning is relational and protective, where the mix of inhabitants in blocks encourages encounters and diversity.
Humanicité in figures:
2,200 inhabitants
1,300 students
15 hectares
2,100 jobs