
21 June 2017
Celebrating over 140 years of academic excellence
Université Catholique de Lille, a private not for profit university founded in 1875 has an urban campus located in the heart of the city, within easy walking distance of the city’s cultural and commercial centre. The university hosts a population of 28,400 full-time students. It offers a comprehensive education with 40 graduate and 190 undergraduate programs in four major fields of study:
• Law, Economics & Management
• Humanities
• Health Sciences & Social Work
• Science and Engineering.

Such diversity finds its origins in the university's underlying structure, where two higher education systems –traditional university Faculties and “Grandes Ecoles”(graduate schools of business or engineering)– uniquely complement each other.

Whole Person education
Université Catholique de Lille offers a student-centered, whole person education, It strives for intellectual rigor, critical thinking, social engagement, scholarly and professional excellence needed to solve the complex problems that the world faces. Professional experience, an important part of the curriculum, is gained through placements in regional and/or international companies and organizations. It boasts a dynamic student union with more than 300 organizations, reflecting cultural and religious diversity on campus.

An international university
Internationalization (lien vers la page “our international policy”) is one of the key institutional strategies and is well anchored in the university’s mission and vision. Besides student mobility programs, Université Catholique de Lille has also undertaken various internationalization-at-home initiatives, like offering double-degree options, requiring proficiency in English for graduation, and developing a very ambitious program in intercultural competencies. Although French is the main language of instruction, many courses are offered in English, especially in the field of business and management (whole curriculum available in English) as well as in law, political sciences, international relations and engineering. In its efforts to make the campus more international, Université Catholique de Lille offers the best possible service to students (lien vers la page “international students”) in order to make their stay pleasant and successful.

Networks and partnerships
Université Catholique de Lille prides itself on its European dimension and is very active in fostering study abroad programmes. Partnerships exist with over 400 foreign universities, 340 of which are in Europe.

An exceptional geographic location
Lille, a vibrant and dynamic university city at the heart of Europe is connected to Brussels by train in 35 minutes, to Paris in an hour and to London in 1h20. Being the centre of a urban zone with 2 million inhabitants, Lille itself has all the convenience of a human-sized city.

Lille, Cultural Capital of Europe
Lille, founded in 1066, has a very rich historic and architectural heritage. Selected “Cultural Capital of Europe» in 2004, Lille is a regional hotspot and a city of art, a cultural destination with lots to offer. Lille is the 2nd largest academic city in France, and provides countless cafes, restaurants, top museums, theatres, an opera house and a national orchestra.

Voir également

  • 24th European Summer Program!

    24th European Summer Program! 

    From May 22 to July 24, the University is again hosting the largest and oldest of our Learn In Lille, Live Europe (LILLE) programs. Since its launch in 2001, the LILLE European Summer Program (ESP) has welcomed an increasing number of international students each year. This season, the program sets a new record with almost 300 participants from all corners of the globe.

    The ESP is structured into two 4-week sessions, and allows every participant to take two courses (for transferable credit) out of around twenty offered by the schools and faculties of our university federation, often in cooperation with our partner universities abroad.

    As usual, the program offers numerous outings, including visits to Bruges, Brussels, and WWI battlefield sites, as well as more local tours, and some exciting intercultural activities, such as the popular international evening, for which the students showcase aspects of their own home countries.


    ESP 2024 is:

    More info


  • International Erasmus+ Week 2024

    International Erasmus+ Week 2024

    From April 15th to 19th, 2024, the Université Catholique de Lille had the pleasure of welcoming about 50 colleagues from partner universities, representing 20 countries across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, for a week of training as part of the #Erasmus program!

    This week, dedicated to universities' commitment to environmental transitions and pedagogical innovation, facilitated the sharing of good practices and exchanges around various strategic projects. Student involvement, which represents a major challenge for all universities, was also highlighted during this edition.

    Throughout the week, our colleagues were invited to participate in various activities such as conferences, campus tours focused on sustainable development and collaborative workshops.

    Learn more about erasmus training weeks


  • Little Miracle of Lille: Candlelight Mass

    Little Miracle of Lille: Candlelight Mass

    The Université Catholique de Lille was recently featured in an article from National Catholic Register, highlighting its candlelight Mass.

    In 2016, the chaplaincy here at Université Catholique de Lille launched this initiative, that has since then enjoyed an unexpected and exponential success. The event continues to bring more and more students together.

    Every Tuesday evening at 10pm, between 800 and 900 students gather in the University Chapel for this Mass.  

    Read the article on National Catholic Register website


  • "Meeting point Museum" - a night for international students

    "Meeting point Museum" - a night for international students

    On February 21st, the Palais des Beaux-Arts welcomes all french and international students for an evening of cultural exchanges and artistic wonders.

    In collaboration with the Erasmus Student Network, the Palais des Beaux-Arts prepared a tailor-made program: guided visits of the museum, artistic workshops, concerts and more.

    Entry is free for all students.

    More information