"Sustainable Development Goals for Universities" event

"Sustainable Development Goals for Universities" event

On the 27th of June, the University had the pleasure of organizing a dissemination event in the form of a workshop dedicated to the Sustainable Development Goals.

It was a great opportunity to present the SDGs4u (Sustainable Development Goals for Universities) project to our colleagues from different establishments and gather their opinion about environmental actions and their level of involvment, on campus as well as in their life in general.

More information



End of Year Concert

End of Year Concert

On Thursday 23 June, the Université Catholique de Lille choir and a choir of female students from Bangladesh, the land of a thousand rivers, joined forces with the European Symphony Orchestra for a unique concert event, in the University Chapel, 60 Boulevard Vauban.

Gabriel Fauré and André Messager, Messe des pêcheurs de Villerville Charles Gounod, Messe brève No. 7 "Aux chapelles" Francis Poulenc, Litanies à la Vierge Noire Camille Saint-Saens, Ave Verum 


European Summer Program 2022

European Summer Program 2022

After 2 years, the European Summer Program is finally back! The University recently had the pleasure of welcoming more than 130 students from 12 different nationalities for the first day of the ESP1 program!

Created in 2001, the LILLE European Summer Program (ESP) is a four-week academic course offering students from around the world the opportunity to experience French culture firsthand at the heart of Europe and be part of an international, multicultural student community.

LILLE ESP is tailored to suit the students’ objectives and challenges, while balancing educational and social activities including a large variety of academic courses, fieldtrips, and extra-curricular activities.

The second 4-week session will start at the end of June.

More info on the program  


Emergency measure for displaced students from Ukraine - Необхідні міри для українських студентів, вражених конфліктом

Emergency measure for displaced students from Ukraine

France has taken emergency measures to facilitate the reception of students from Ukraine. They are invited to contact Campus France, which will help them to enter advanced education programs in French institutions, including the schools and faculties of the Université Catholique de Lille.

We invite students displaced from Ukraine to contact Campus France at ukraine@campusfrance.org, stating their surname, first name, and nationality, and describing their situation.

For further information concerning what is possible at the Université Catholique de Lille, please write to ukraine@univ-catholille.fr.

To consult the guide (in French and Ukrainian) to student reception in France, click here.

Further information from Campus France (in English)


Необхідні міри для українських студентів, вражених конфліктом

Франція прийняла необіхідні міри, спрямовані на полегшення процедури прийняття студентів з України. Студенти запрошені зв’язатись з Campus France, які допоможуть їм вступити до програм вищих навчальних закладів у Франції, включаючи школи та факультети Лільского Католицього Університету.

Ми запрошуємо усіх студентів з України, вражених конфліктом, зв’язатись з Campus France за адресою: ukraine@campusfrance.org та у імейлі вказати своє ім’я, прізвище, національність та опис власної ситуації.

Для детальнішої інформації на рахунок можливостей у Лільському Католицькому Університеті, звертайтесь до контактної особи : ukraine@univ-catholille.fr

Щоб отримати консультацію(французькою та українською), нажміть сюди.

Детальніша інформація від Campus France(англійською) тут

Erasmus Training Week - March 2022

Erasmus Training Week - March 2022

From 21 to 25 March, the Université Catholique de Lille had the pleasure of welcoming colleagues from more than 50 partner university colleges, representing 17 different nationalities, for an Erasmus training week!

The week was devoted to our various universities' commitment to sustainable development - a theme that finds a particular echo in this year of mobilization - but also to educational innovation and the student experience.

The week included many activities such as conferences, a campus visit on the theme of sustainable development, and a "Climate Fresk", as well as times of sharing and other interactive workshops.



   ©Noel Halder


Europe Day 2022 - a week of events!


True to its tradition of openness, the Université Catholique de Lille is one of the most internationalised universities in France, and is involved in the construction of Europe!

To mark this ongoing commitment, the University as a whole is celebrating Europe Day from 9 May, the anniversary of the Schuman declaration, a strong symbol of the European Union, with a week of events open to everyone: radio programs, street interviews, exhibitions – online and on campus! #JMEurope