International Student Welcome Session (Les Facultés)


The Faculties of the Université Catholique de Lille (Les Facultés) invite you to an "International Student Welcome Session" on Friday 5th of January 2022 at 3.00 pm.

You will to find out about services and opportunities available to international students from all faculties. Representatives stakeholders on Campus such as Radio UCLille, Clarife (language centre), ALL, the Library, LivinFrance (administrative support), etc. will be present. The team has also prepared a scavenger hunt, some delicious things to eat, and more!

Note: this event is reserved to the international students studying at one of the Faculties.


Are you leaving Lille? Campus Market is here to help!

Are you leaving Lille? Campus Market is here to help!

If you are leaving Lille, the association “Campus Market” is here to help you get rid of your furniture.

On Saturday 11 & 18 December, the association will be collecting the furniture you don't want anymore.

How do they proceed? At the time of your departure they come to your place to collect what you do not need anymore. Each piece of furniture given will help other students get what their need while limiting carbon emissions.

More information here on their Instagram account. It is also possible to join as a volunteer!


"Let's meet in France!": Campus France launches new communication campaign

"Let's meet in France!": Campus France launches new communication campaign

Campus France recently launched a new communication campaign called "Rendez-vous en France !" (Let's meet in France!)

It highlights several benefits of studying in France, including academic excellence, training courses in English, and access to vaccination for all international students. 

The campaign gives the floor to eight international alumni who lived a life-changing experience by deciding to study in France.

Every 2 weeks, starting on 25 November 2021, you will be able to discover their testimonies!

More info here: