LILLE European Summer Program News

European Summer Program News


The first session of the 23rd edition of the European Summer Program has just come to an end. As we welcome the ESP2 students to our campus this week, the LILLE Programs team is delighted to tell you more about the experience of the program’s participants.


121 STUDENTS   Embarked on an innovative academic and cultural journeyduring the first session of the European Summer Program at Université Catholique de Lille, which ran from May 24th to June 22nd. 65 of them will be staying with us for the 2nd session, along with over a hundred new students who have just arrived this week.


REPRESENTING 13 NATIONALITIES   Students experienced a vibrant multicultural exchangeover the month. This diversity made class discussions more interesting and social gatherings more fun, showcasing the richness different cultures bring to learning abroad.


12 COURSES   Ranging from liberal arts to business, political science, and French language. Our local faculty professors led the lessons and academic visits, along with 5 guest professors from partner universities. This international collaboration enriched the students' learning as a part of our commitment to worldwide academic partnerships.

  OVER 15 CULTURAL ACTIVITIES   Were organized to broaden horizons and immerse students in French and European culture. International Night stands out as one of the most remarkable events where students showcased their unique cultures through dance, music, and food. Movie Nights exposed students to the cinematic treasures of the Franco-Belgian region, whilst group dinners allowed them to discover some French and North African culinary specialties.   Our cultural visits, field trips, and guided tours led students to explore Lille's rich historical and artistic heritage, as well as key sites in France and Belgium such as Bruges, Brussels, Ieper, Arras, Paris, Normandy, and Nausicaa. These excursions provided a first-hand immersion in European culture and history and served as a background for forming shared memories and lifelong friendships.

New Director of ESPOL

New Director of ESPOL


Andrew Glencross appointed as new Director of ESPOL, European School of Political and Social Sciences.   Following an international search, l’Université Catholique de Lille has appointed Professor Andrew Glencross to the position of Director of ESPOL, European School of Political and Social Sciences, effective June 1.   Prof. Glencross joined ESPOL in September 2021 as a Senior Lecturer and Deputy Director for International Affairs. In parallel with his work, he obtained l'Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) in Italy: Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale alle funzioni di professore universitario di Prima Fascia nel Settore Concorsuale 14/A2-Scienza Politica, and was appointed Professor in July 2022. Prof. Glencross graduated from Cambridge University (BA Social and Political Studies and MPhil Historical Studies). Prof. Glencross is a former Joseph Hodges Choate Fellow at Harvard University (2000-2001), his doctorate took him to Florence, where he defended his thesis at the European University Institute under the supervision of Friedrich Kratochwil. From 2008 to 2010, prof. Glencross was a lecturer in the international relations programme at the University of Pennsylvania. Returning to Europe in 2010, he taught at the University of Aberdeen, the University of Stirling, and Aston University before joining ESPOL in September 2021.   With his international curriculum, both as a fellow researcher and supervisor, prof. Andrew Glencross brings with him a global vision for the next generations of ESPOL students and faculty members.

International Erasmus+ Week 2023

International Erasmus+ Week 2023

Between 24 and 28 April, the Université Catholique de Lille welcomed more than 60 colleagues from partner universities, totalling 24 different nationalities, as part of Erasmus+ week.

This educational event was dedicated to sustainable development on the part of universities, but also to pedagogical innovation and the student experience.

With a selection of over 30 workshops offered throughout the week, participants were able to discover many of the projects underway at the UCLille and its constituent institutions, thanks to the involvement of colleagues representing LiveTREE, HÉMiSF4iRE, and the Living Lab Ensembll, as well as JUNIA, ICAM, IESEG, Law, FGES, and ESPAS-ESTICE.

Learn more about the Erasmus+ week