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  • Open Lab Le Mag #3

    Les établissements de l’Université Catholique de Lille ont connu ces dernières années un développement significatif de leurs activités de recherche, dans un continuum allant du plus fondamental au

  • D'une rentrée à l'autre 2019-2020 

    D'une rentrée à l'autre 2019-2020

    Nous vous invitons à prendre connaissance du livret des temps forts de l’année réalisé en étroite collaboration avec les équipes des établissements, enti

  • Retropective - Communication Covid19

    Submitted by lacatho on Fri 11/12/2020 - 08:39

    Retropective - COVID-19 INFORMATION


    October 2020

    Université Catholique de Lille & Covid-19

    Since the beginning of the 2020 school year, a very strict protocol has been put in place, respecting all recommended sanitary measures in accordance with the French government. 

    This video was realized by the office of International Relations & Communication and the students association (Fédé).

    September 2020 

    International Students: France welcomes you

     campus FRANCE

    Despite the coronavirus pandemic, France has done everything to let you join your institution safely at the start of the academic year, whatever your country of origin. Whether you are a student in long-term or short-term studies, a student in an internship or a researcher, you are welcome to France. The consulates can now receive your visa application. For more information, please check with the French consulate or your Campus France office.

    Dowload pdf


    gestes barrières(en)

    Friday 17 July 2020

    Update on the Coronavirus Situation in France
    The COVID-19 Coronavirus remains present throughout France and is highly contagious.  It is extremely important that everyone remain vigilant and adhere to the safety measures, especially to protect those most at-risk.  
    Beginning Monday 20 July 2020, the wearing of a mask in all indoor public spaces is mandatory throughout the whole of the country.  This means anytime you are indoors where other people may be present in a public setting you must wear a mask covering your mouth and nose (for example in grocery stores, shopping centers, libraries, public transportation system, classrooms, bars and restaurants whenever not seated, etc.)
    It is the responsibility and commitment of each person that will help stop the spread of the coronavirus.  Please be respectful and diligent in following the safety measures.

    According to the latest information released by the French Government and Campus France, all exchange students are exempt from the travel restrictions currently in place, meaning exchange students can enter France for their academic studies from most countries.

    You must follow the Campus France and French Department of the Interior procedures by completing and signing the attached international travel certificate for mainland France. More information can be found here:
    At this time, there is no mandatory quarantine or self-isolation after your arrival in France.  This may change if the French government deems it necessary.
    Please note the orientation start date of your faculty or school for when you must be present in Lille (see here).  It is recommended you arrive at least one or two days prior to the orientation start day to give yourself time to settle into your residence and get accustomed to your surroundings.  You must be present on the first day of orientation. However, we realize the current situation can delay some arrivals .  If you cannot arrive by the scheduled start date of orientation, you must contact the international coordinator of your principal establishment.  

    Safety Measures
    The University takes the health and safety of its students, faculty, and staff very seriously.  A strict sanitation method is in place and that requires each person to do their part; respecting the health and safety measures is mandatory on campus (social distance, masks, hand washing, etc.)  For information on how you can help stop the spread of COVID-19, please watch this brief video in French or this video in English. 
    If you have any questions or issues please contact your designated international office or you may reach us at 

    Monday 15 June 2020

    Concerning the upcoming academic year and the re-opening of the borders by July 1, we are pleased to confirm that we will be able to welcome all international students at the planned semester dates. Even though government regulations for the start of the academic year are still to be confirmed, we believe it is our duty to inform you as well as possible to allow students to make the decision that fits them best. 
    Degree seeking students should apply on Etude en France and rely on Campusfrance’s notifications.

    For our exchange students, below are the various points we would like to share:

    •    Application process for Fall Semester:

    Applications are closed for the Fall Semester. Students have or will receive their acceptance letters in the coming days. For students who have not filled our online application yet, we informed their home university. For any late application, please contact us as soon as possible.
    •    Deferral to Spring Semester:
    If they wish, it is possible for students who planned to come for the Fall semester 2020 to postpone their mobility to the Spring semester 2021. Please email us a new nomination email.
    If the students have already applied online, they don’t need to do it again. Otherwise, they have to submit it before September 15th. Once we have the new nominations, we can contact students individually to make sure they are aware of the next steps.
    •    Teaching modalities in the Fall:

    The courses for the Fall semester will be a mix of face-to-face and online courses. We recommend students to consult their host department for more details. The teaching modalities are subject to change. New learning agreements with updated list of courses will be edited at a later stage.
    Our university has decided not to allow students to follow only online classes for the whole Fall semester. This will only be an option for a few weeks in case there is a delay in visa delivery.
    •    Dates of arrival:
    Academic calendars for next semester are still to confirm. We will email them to you in a few days. In any case, we will try to be as flexible as possible if a student does not manage to be present for the current start date of semester.
    Students may expect to have a 2-week quarantine period to respect after their arrival in France before being allowed on campus. We will send more information later about this possibility.
    •    Preparation of the stay:
    More information is expected regarding international border opening in the coming weeks. We strongly advise students not to purchase their flight ticket before that. 
    Students can book their accommodation for the Fall semester through the university service ALL before June 30. There will be a full refund if they cancel before July 15th. After this date, the refund will be decided on a case by case basis.

    Wednesday 15 April 2020

    Following the speech of the President of France on 13 April 2020, we confirm that the Université Catholique de Lille will remain closed to students until the next academic year, like all other French higher education institutions.  

    The CPSU (the student health center of the Université Catholique de Lille) remains open to all students for general medical consultations during its normal business hours.  The office is also available for any psychological needs during the confinement.  

    Email:          Tel: daytime hours Monday through Friday

    Recommendations and information from the Government

    Official French government website in English:

    Toll-free number (0 800 130 000), open from 9am to 7pm seven days a week, to answer all questions that are not related to medical care.

    WHO website:

    16 March 2020

    Moreover, the recommendations below were broadcasted to the whole university community in order to limit the virus from spreading.
    To stop propagation, and preserve your health and others, take simple actions:

    • Wash your Hand Regularly or use an hydro alcoholic solution
    • Cough or sneeze in your elbow.
    • When you say Hello, do not make physical contacts such as shaking hands or giving hugs.
    • Use your tissues only once.
    • Wear a mask when you are sick
    • Be careful of any symptoms leading to respiratory infection like cough, difficulties breathing etc…

    If you come from a viral spread zone or if you have had any contacts with someone who is infected, it is important to check for any symptoms and to take your temperatures regularly for 14 days afterward.
    In case of fever, coughing and difficulties to breath:

    • Please contact the emergency number: 15 and report your travel,
    • Avoid any contact with your acquaintances and wear a mask,
    • Do not go to the local doctors, or the Hospital emergencies (the emergency response teams will deal with Medical Assistance).


    In accordance with the measures announced by the French government, access to the campus has been closed since Monday, March 16, 2020, until further notice. The educational process continues in the form of distance learning courses and other methods.

    As the COVID-19 virus is now actively circulating on French territory, measures of confinement and strict limitation of movement have been put in place on Tuesday, March 17. The population is called upon not to leave their homes under penalty of sanctions, again until further notice.

    The only authorized movements are these:

    • Shopping for food and hygiene goods, going to the pharmacy and to the bank. Some fast food shops should still be open
    • Visiting the doctor
    • Taking care of a person in need
    • Going to work (including for internships) when teleworking is not possible
    • Getting physical exercise alone, near the residence

    Movements will be subject to controls. A derogatory travel declaration form, available here (attestation) can be printed or written by hand, available for smartphone or downloadable here.  An English translation can be found here.

    All non essential places (libraries, sport facilities, shops, etc) remain closed. The objective is to limit contact and travel as much as possible.
    Unnecessary travel may be fined between 135 to 375 euros, with an increase to 1,500 euros for two violations within 15 days, and 3,750 euros and imprisonment for three violations within 30 days. The French Minister of Interior (MOI) and French police have issued warnings regarding fake police checkpoints and individuals impersonating police officers attempting to fraudulently collect a “fine” for not possessing a travel attestation document or for improper documentation. French police always write a report and the requirement to pay a fine is sent to your home of record. Do not pay any “fine” on the scene.

    All students were informed about these and other changes.  see link

    Our dorms will remain open for students who cannot go back home. 
    We are aware that the situation can be very stressful for the students and are available by email or phone should they need anything during the time of the confinement period.

    Adresse mail 

    Academic and administrative staff remain available via e-mail or phone. We have identified a list of contacts per faculty/school that students can contact any time in case of a medical emergency. 

  • Actualités Solidarité - COVID19

    Submitted by lacatho on Mon 14/12/2020 - 16:08

    L'Université solidaire avec les étudiants

    COVID 19 : Informations sur les actions mises en place sur le campus

    Dans ce contexte inédit, différentes structures, établissements ou associations de l'Université Catholique de Lille ont mis en place des actions de soutien aux étudiants les plus "vulnérables" pour mieux vivre ce second confinement. Les initiatives concernent à la fois l'aide à l'alimentation ou matériel, le soutien psychologique, ainsi que l'accès à des ressources culturelles. 

    Patrick Scauflaire, Président-Recteur et le Père Thierry Magnin, Président-Recteur Délégué à la vie étudiante témoignent de leur soutien aux étudiants.

    Les initiatives propres aux établissements de l'Université

  • All, tous les services de la vie étudiante pendant le confinement

    Submitted by lacatho on Mon 14/12/2020 - 16:30

    All, tous les services de la vie étudiante se mobilise pour accompagner les étudiants lors de cette période.



    • Possibilité de consultations psychologiques à distance ou au CPSU.
    • Vidéos d'accompagnement pour faire face au stress et à l’anxiété, des réactions normales en ces temps de crise sanitaire sur facebook ou instagram :

    all              all-2


    • Mise en place d'une Nightline, un service d'écoute pour et par les étudiant.e.s, par téléphone et via un tchat en ligne.


    • Vidéo d'accompagnement donnant des conseils pour organiser sa journée, mieux gérer son temps et mieux vivre le confinement sur facebook ou instagram :



    all-2           all facebook


    • Ouverture du RU avec des repas à emporter et mise en place du click & collect. Possibilité de prendre une double portion pour le soir.
    • Mise en place des repas à 1€ pour tous les étudiants. Plus d'informations ici.
    • Remise en place du marché solidaire en lien avec Agoraé.


    [DIFFICULTES FINANCIERES] : fonds de solidarité et cartes Auchan.


    Mauvais matériel ou mauvaise connexion informatique pour suivre les cours à distance : envoi d’une liste aux écoles pour accès à une salle informatique et/ou apport du matériel adéquat


    publication de vidéos sportives par le All sport

    all sport


    Campagne de tests organisée par l’ARS pour identifier les profils qui peuvent contracter le virus, et les personnes contaminées


    Du 11 au 15 janvier : la Masterclass GLOBAL ACTORS FOR PEACE "Beyond The West and The Rest" organisée par le C3RD de la Faculté de Droit