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  • Live Tree

    Submitted by admin on Tue 04/12/2018 - 11:12

    What is our ambition?

    That our 38,500 students should be immersed in a physical campus and scientific, cultural and learning structure which gives them ecological virtues to act responsibly throughout their personal, professional and civic lives.

    Live TREE program

    Logo Live Tree


    In 2013, the Nord-Pas-de-Calais Region (now Hauts-de-France Region), accompanied by Jeremy Rifkin, launched with optimism the project Rev3, the Third Industrial Revolution. Mixing technological innovations and new practices, the Region and all its participants have committed themselves to a transition towards a more respectful and sustainable environment and economy. This is the challenge that Lille Catholic University is taking up on its campus with LIVE TREE.
    In liaison with elected government representatives, researchers, inhabitants and partner companies, LIVE TREE accelerates energy, ecological and economic transition in the Vauban-Esquermes neighbourhood of Lille. Since 2013, we have been renovating our buildings to limit our carbon footprint and make them models of good practice, genuine laboratories; we are installing solar panels and use our own energy, we encourage sustainable and electric means of transport; we are focalising research on the technical and human aspects of this transition and are developing urban agriculture.
    Step by step, we are making the University an incubator for good practice and an accelerator of projects, in a participative and federative spirit. We are training students and professionals to become participants in this new model of society and we are supporting experimentation and encouraging every initiative on campus.
    Committed at level of the neighbourhood, the city, the metropolitan area and the Region, we are always looking for new partners to invent tomorrow’s university. Come and join the adventure!

    Support this project

    STEPS                     PROJECTS 

    The major axes of the program

      Make changes in our degree course proposals for students and professionals

      Université Catholique de Lille offers students a scientific, cultural and learning environment resolutely committed to environmental and societal transition. The goal is to allow them to act in a sustainable way throughout their personal, professional and civic lives and to construct new models for a society which will be more respectful of the environment and of the human person, fairer and more equitable.

      Basic training and continuing education courses:

      • Courses dealing with awareness of environmental and societal transition in a growing number of programmes.
      • Specialist programmes preparing for tomorrow’s professions.

      Masters in Smart Cities
      A full two-year course offering seven different programmes to prepare students for the challenges of urban development, environmental or housing management. Because it is taught exclusively in English, the course is accessible to international students.

      University Diploma in socio-technical management of energy performance
      The first diploma of its kind offered in France, the UD trains professionals to consider the way energy consumption is used and managed in residential or industrial buildings.

      Digital Computing and Biology Programme 
      A double degree course for tomorrow’s professions in the areas of bioinformatics, precision agriculture, smart farming, computerised agricultural machinery, bio-nanotechnologies, big data, computerised objects...

      A campus in transition, a truly innovative educative tool for students.

      Virtuous buildings (ISA, Rizomm, Faculty of Medicine and Midwifery, St Philibert Hospital…) where the users are partners in developing new forms of behaviour in energy consumption

      Awareness of sustainable transport systems

      • “CoPILOT”: individual advice and support to encourage employees to ask questions about their use of transport and its alternative forms (with the support of ADEME – French Environment and Energy Saving Agency)
      • A fleet of bicycles and scooters (electric or not), V’Lille (municipal bicycles) cards available to employees…
      • Electric vehicles for use and installation of charging stations

      Support for student organisations wishing to promote sustainable development 
      Activities and awareness on campus (radio program, conferences, workshops, visits…)

      Design model buildings and blocks connected by a smart grid

      Live TREE is also supported by initiatives in energy and societal transition by the institutions of Université Catholique de Lille, which are running projects on their own buildings and in their forms of organisation.

      The ISO 14001 approach at ISA Agricultural and Environmental Engineering School
      An environmental action plan has been drawn up around 6 priority focuses for work, like waste management, reduction in consumption (energy, water, paper) reducing the carbon footprint and preserving biodiversity. 25 monitoring indicators regularly measure running operations which could have a significant impact on the environment.

       The Faculty of Medicine and Midwifery (FMM)

      • A building performing above the renewable energy standards currently in force
      • Monitoring and display in real time of energy consumption
      • Shared vegetable garden run by a collective of students and employees
      • New teaching methods based on reconstitution and 3D printing of diseased organs and simulation workrooms
      • Entertaining energy challenge with the Energic solution spread over three buildings on the campus including the FMM
      • Energy audit and use of the FMM
      • Selective paper recycling on a voluntary basis, in partnership with Recygo La Poste

      « Le RIZOMM »
      The 6500m² RIZOMM building has been subject to a complete thermal renovation since the end of 2016. New electric systems of heating and air treatment, a new 1200m² solar panel plant and dynamic technical management of the building will considerably reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Being at the heart of a smart-grid, the building will become the subject of socio-technical research and training, allowing users to be fully active in energy consumption.

      - Develop transdisciplinary Humanities-Social Sciences-Engineering research on the question of energy transition and society
      Create research and innovation chairs implicating both local government and business
      Contribute to the emergence of new economic models

      The Humanicité Living Lab, an approach serving social transition

      Living-lab’s approach seeks to encourage the users of the neighbourhood to jointly plan and manage projects, for example:

      • At Lomme-Capinghem, a mix of units with different functions (housing, economic activity as well as medical and social structures) and an approach facilitating harmonious living together
      • Working together on a project for a shared garden for the neighbourhood.
      • Sharing students’ skills with the communities of partners in the neighbourhood: analysis of soils and recommendations for a compost maker for the shared garden; diagnosis and recommendations for improving accessibility for everyone for each of the institutions and public spaces in the neighbourhood; inventory of biodiversity in the neighbourhood and presentation/awareness for the children in the neighbourhood.
      Promote regional economic innovation and development
      Associate the campus and the neighbourhood in all stages of the transition

      From the start of its LIVE TREE Programme, in 2013, the Université Catholique de Lille has wanted to associate the Vauban-Esquermes neighbourhood, its inhabitants and stakeholders.
      Supported by the University and the City of Lille, with our nearest representative being the local branch office of the City Hall (especially through its local branch office?), this approach aims to make Vauban-Esquermes the Living Lab in Lille for transition in energy, ecology, economics and active citizenship.

      The partners engaged in the transition:

      •  the inhabitants and their residents’ associations
      •  the schools
      •  companies and housing organisations
      •  the elected representatives

      Multiple forms of cooperation for practical projects

      A Participative Approach

      The Open Forum on 1st April 2017: “What action should we be taking today to make Vauban-Esquermes a sustainable neighbourhood where it is good to live together?” : a hundred participants for the day, 14 discussion groups, 7 project groups.
      Follow-up of the Open Forum:

      - Transformation of the Organising Committee into a Follow-up and Support Committee
      - Initiatives: Repair Café, Tiers Lieu (Meeting Point), Energy ...
      - Progress: installing compost-bins, authorisations for revegetation ...

      • Participation of the neighbourhood in study and experimentation: Vauban-Esquermes was recognised as a strategic area in the study on “Energy Challenges” put in place by Lille European Metropolitan Area
      • Improving people’s knowledge of the area: Energy Diagnosis of Vauban-Esquermes
      • Sustainable Development Activities: Opening up to the inhabitants of the monthly workshops called "Sustainable Solutions for Tomorrow", visits to get to know the neighbourhood

      Initial projects from 2000 onwards

      • First transportation plan in a French university
      • Creation of a pluridisciplinary “Institute for Sustainable and Responsible Development”.
      • Assessment of the carbon footprint of the faculties and schools and their integration into the Green Plan system of reference.
      • Development of traditional degree courses and lifelong learning schemes.
      • Growing research work on questions of mobility and energy.
      • Support for student organisations working on sustainable development.


      The aim of zero carbon in 15 years

      In order to become a Zero Carbon Campus in 15 years, Lille Catholic University is putting into place zero carbon energy consumption in its historic buildings.
      Thermal renovation, optimisation of heating systems, production of renewable energy, changes in the mixture of heating systems used, teaching users in energy efficiency… all of these are ongoing or already programmed.

      more information : 


      couverture MAG5

      livetree mag4 livetree mag3
      livetree mag2 livetree mag1  
      Façade du RIZOMM projet live tree
    • Transition écologique

      Submitted by admin on Wed 12/09/2018 - 23:22

      Notre ambition ?

      Face aux défis écologiques, l’Université Catholique de Lille, est consciente de son rôle à jouer. Mêlant recherche, innovation pédagogique et aménagements, elle transforme ses campus en laboratoires « grandeur nature ». Les enjeux : limiter l’empreinte carbone de l’Université et explorer les défis de la transition écologique et sociétale.


      Dès 2013, l’Université Catholique de Lille transforme ses campus en laboratoires « grandeur nature », via le programme Live Tree. Elle s’inscrit dans la dynamique Rev3 de la région Hauts-de-France. Une dizaine de projets expérimentaux autour des sujets de l’énergie, de la mobilité ou encore de la nature en ville sont développés sur les campus. La recherche s’attache aux aspects techniques et humains.

      En 2022, les établissements de l’Université confirment leur engagement dans la transition socio-écologique en signant collectivement l’Accord de Grenoble.

      Objectif : réduire de 30% notre bilan carbone d’ici 2030 et sensibiliser/former nos étudiants aux enjeux socio-écologiques.

    • Congrès Mission

      Congrès Mission


      Comme en 2021, l’Université Catholique de Lille accueille le Congrès Mission pendant 3 jours, du 29 septembre au 1er octobre 2023.


    • Key facts and figures

      Submitted by admin on Sun 02/12/2018 - 22:45

      Founded in 1875, and unique in France, the Université Catholique de Lille is a multidisciplinary institution which combines 5 faculties, 20 schools, institutes, and Grandes Ecoles, and a hospital group. 

      From its very beginnings, what is now France’s largest private, not-for-profit university has distinguished itself within the fields of higher education, research, and health, through its commitment to mutual care as a central value. The institution both supports and is supported by the local region and community, and is open to diversity, and to the world.

      Driven by creativity and innovation, and in close collaboration with its students and its partners, the Université Catholique de Lille is contributing to the construction of the world of tomorrow through its research projects, entrepreneurship, involvement with society’s most vulnerable, and the transformation of society and its energy use.


      Downloadable documents


      An integrated student educational experience

      +40,000 students

      +200 students associations

      2 business schools, tripled-accredited (EQUIS - AACSB - AMBA)

      25 educational establishments

      5000m2of innovative eco-systems


      A university at the forefront of internationalisation 

      8,000 students on international exchanges or internships
      8,000 international students welcomed on the university campus
      550+ partner universities across the world

      Research in the service of social change

      Three primary areas: 

      • the Third Industrial Revolution
      • innovative ecosystems
      • ethics and new social models

      700 teacher-researchers

      220 PhDs

      15 Research Chairs

      15 units and research institutes

      Health and social care: an important player in the region 


      9  births daily in our hospitals

      lit d'hopital

      A hospital group: 1000 hospital beds across three sites


      A social medicine group: 850 beds at the EHPAD retirement homes


      3 facilities dedicated to the care of the handicapped

      “Live Tree” : A project for energy and social transition 


      A large livable campus

      A university library of 1.360 sq.m 

      1500 beds in university residences

      A university campus covering 150 000 sq.m at the heart of Lille  

    • Informations et chiffres-clés

      Submitted by admin on Thu 27/09/2018 - 10:15

      Créée en 1875, l’Université Catholique de Lille est un établissement pluridisciplinaire unique en France qui fédère 5 Facultés, 20 Écoles, Grandes Écoles et Instituts, et un groupement hospitalier.

      Plus grande Université privée à but non lucratif de France, l'Université Catholique de Lille fonde son action dans les champs de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, et celui du soin, sur la proposition des valeurs humaines et chrétiennes qui l'animent depuis l'origine. Humaniste et ouverte à la diversité, elle s’inscrit, depuis sa fondation, dans un territoire qui la porte autant qu’elle cherche à le faire réussir.

      Avec la créativité et l’innovation comme fils conducteurs, l’Université Catholique de Lille participe, en lien étroit avec ses partenaires, à la construction du monde de demain par ses projets de recherche, d’entrepreneuriat, d’inclusion des populations les plus vulnérables et de transition énergétique et sociétale.

      L’expérience étudiante pour une formation intégrale

      infographie chiffres clés sept 23

      Une université à l’avant-garde de l’internationalisation

      8 000 étudiants en études ou en stage à l'étranger
      8 000 étudiants internationaux sur le campus
      558 universités partenaires dans le monde

      Une recherche au services des défis sociétaux

      Trois axes prioritaires de recherche :

      • Transition énergétique et sociétale (Troisième Révolution Industrielle)
      • Écosystèmes innovants
      • Éthique et nouveaux modèles socio-économiques

      800 enseignants-chercheurs

      220 doctorants

      15 chaires de recherche

      15 unités et instituts de recherche

      Santé et soins : un acteur majeur de notre territoire


      9 naissances par jour dans nos hôpitaux

      lit d'hopital

      Un Groupement hospitalier : 1000 lits d’hôpital sur trois sites


      Un groupement médico-social : 850 lits et places en établissements médico-sociaux


      5 structures dédiées à l’accompagnement des personnes en situation de handicap

      Live TREE - Lille Vauban en Transition Énergétique, Écologique et Économique 


      Un campus vivant

      Une bibliothèque universitaire de 1.360

      1500 chambres en location dans les résidences universitaires

      Un campus universitaire au cœur de Lille sur 150 000 m² 

    • Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility

      Submitted by lacatho on Wed 18/10/2023 - 11:01

      Expanding partnerships beyond the EU

      The International Credit Mobility Initiative, a component of the Erasmus+ Programme, aims to strengthen ties with academic institutions outside the European Union.

      Funding for International Mobility

      For all the implicated countries, the funding provided by the European Union is either essential for mobility or an additional factor making the European higher education area more attractive.

      With the agreement of the European Union or based on criteria validated by the EU, funding is granted to students coming from these countries and to research-teaching staff and administrative personnel wishing to travel to these partner universities.

      The Université Catholique de Lille (UCLille) decided to focus its international projects on sharing knowledge and best practices in the following key areas:

      1. The energy transition and social change

      2. Innovation in education

      3. Internationalization

      Events under Erasmus+ MIC

      More information on the mobility programs

      List of programs

      International Credit Mobility 2022-2025

      For the current period, 2022-2025, the University continues its agreements with 3 universities in Bosnia-Herzegovina: (UNSA, IBU, and IUS), and is collaborating with 2 new universities in Albania: (Epoka University and Unizkm). The projected budget is €256,100.

      2022 - 2025 IN NUMBERS

      256,100 € budget

      80 mobilities

      38 study mobilities (inbound only)

      18 teaching mobilities (inbound only)

      24 training mobilities (inbound only)


      UNSA – University of Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina

      Public university, founded in 1949, the country's main educational institution with more than 28,000 students.
      Over 23 faculties, with various courses offered in English.
      Agreement signed with UCLille in July 2019.

       IBU – International Burch University, Bosnia-Herzegovina

      Private university, founded in 2008, with over 1,000 students.
      3 Faculties with courses only in English: Faculty of Education and Humanities, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences.
      Agreement signed with UCLille in March 2019.

      IUS – International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina

      Private university, founded in 2004, with over 1,600 students.
      Courses in English, Business Administration, Law, Engineering, Arts and Social Sciences.
      Agreement signed with UCLille in January 2019.

      Epoka University, Albania

      Private university, founded in 2007, with over 1,500 students.
      ourses in English, Architecture and Engineering, Law and Social Sciences, Business Administration.
      Agreement signed with UCLille in July 2022.

      Unizkm (Catholic University Our Lady of Good Counsel), Albania

      Private university, founded in 2004, with over 1,500 students.
      Courses in English, Italian, and German, Social and Political Sciences, Business Administration.
      Agreement signed with UCLille in February 2022.

      [Retrospective] International Credit Mobility 2020-2023

      The Université Catholique de Lille is currently collaborating with 11 universities: 1 in Azerbaijan, 3 in Georgia, 2 in India, 2 in Lebanon, and 3 in Russia. The budget granted by the Erasmus Agency France for the MIC 2020-2023 program is €443,760.



      ADA University, Azerbaijan

      University founded in 2006, with more than 2,500 students and nearly 2,000 alumni from 48 countries.
      4 faculties with courses in English.
      Agreement signed in 2021

      Caucasus University, Georgia

      Private university, founded in 2004, with over 6,000 students.
      10 faculties, courses mainly taught in English.
      Agreement signed in 2020.

      GIPA – Georgian Institute of Public Affairs, Georgia

      University founded in 1994
      4 faculties, various courses taught in English.
      Agreement signed in 2020.

      Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University, Georgia

      University founded in 2001.
      4 faculties, various courses taught in English.
      Agreement signed in 2020.

      Christ University, India

      Catholic university founded in 1969, with more than 25,000 students
      9 faculties, various courses taught in English
      Agreement signed in 2020

      Loyola College, India

      Private university, founded in 1925
      10 faculties, courses taught in English
      Agreement signed in 2020

      AUST - American University of Science and Technology, Lebanon

      Private university, founded in 1994, with over 5,500 students
      4 faculties, various courses in English and French
      Agreement signed in 2020

      Université́ Sainte Famille - Batroun, Lebanon

      University founded in 2009
      3 faculties, courses in French
      Agreement signed in 2021

      Université RUDN, Russia (suspended)

      University founded in 1960, with nearly 30,000 students from 155 countries
      More than 15 institutions, various courses in English and French
      Agreement signed in 2020

      Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russia (suspended)

      University founded in 1907, with over 8,000 students.
      More than 10 institutions, various courses in English
      Agreement signed in 2020

      Université Polytechnique de Saint-Pétersbourg Pierre-le-Grand, Russia (suspended)

      University founded in 1901, with more than 30,000 students
      3 faculties, various courses in English
      Agreement signed in 2021

      [Retrospective] International Credit Mobility 2019-2022

      During this period, UCLille worked with 3 universities in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The budget allocated by the Erasmus France Agency for the MIC program 2019-2022 was €165,240.


      THE PERIOD 2019 - 2022 IN NUMBERS

      165,240 € budget

      50 mobilities

      28 study mobilities (10 outbound, 18 inbound)

      3 teaching mobilities (3 inbound)

      19 training mobilities (4 outbound, 15 inbound)




      UNSA – University of Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina


      Public university, founded in 1949, the country's main educational institution with more than 28,000 students.
      Over 23 faculties, with various courses offered in English.
      Agreement signed with UCLille in July 2019.


      IBU – International Burch University, Bosnia-Herzegovina


      Private university, founded in 2008, with over 1,000 students.
      3 Faculties with courses only in English: Faculty of Education and Humanities, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences.
      Agreement signed with UCLille in March 2019.


      IUS – International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina

      Private university, founded in 2004, with over 1,600 students.
      Courses in English, Business Administration, Law, Engineering, Arts and Social Sciences.
      Agreement signed with UCLille in January 2019.

      [Retrospective] International Credit Mobility 2017-2019

      Since 2017, the Université Catholique de Lille has taken part in the new Erasmus+ MIC program. Through the new "International Credit Mobility" initiative, higher education institutions can now create mobility agreements with partners from around the world, allowing students and staff to spend time abroad for training and teaching.

      This new project has contributed to the University's internationalization strategy and has aided its efforts to develop and strengthen synergies between higher education institutions. It has also enabled the sharing of best practices and initiatives in key strategic areas: innovation, sustainable development, and internationalization.

      Since the start of the program, the University has received much positive feedback from incoming students and staff who have testified as to what the program has given them. During the 2017-2019 program, UCLille collaborated with 8 universities, to the benefit of 88 students.


      THE 2017 - 2019 PERIOD IN NUMBERS

      611,021€ budget

      224 mobilities

      88 study mobilities (20 outbound, 48 inbound)

      30 teaching mobilities (2 outbound, 28 inbound)

      106 training mobilities (29 outbound, 77 inbound